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From the Crescent to NA Nebs in 7 panes - or should that be PAINS !!!


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Managed to grab the 4 panes needed to get to the NA and Pelican Nebs...

I Wasn't going to process them before getting some ugly but I guess I'll sleep better knowing I have data to work with...

The Full Res Tiff is now 743 MB and over 14k X 9k pixels Registar did crash once because i only had 6GB free on the Swap/temp drive... made some more space and its happy again (for the moment)

I have also started having to close the intermediate files during the Register-Calibrate-Combine process to free up resources the good thing is the file shouldn't grow much more now as its filling out the edges although ideal I want to go one pane further both ends first...

SO here it is so far... again no fancy processing until all the data has been captured and combined... ( a 1/8th scale thumbnail)


I think I need to balance the panes a bit better before pulling them into Registar.. or read the manual...perhaps a bit of both...

One thing I do know is I need some sleep.....


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Thanks Guys,

All I need now is enough clear nights (should take another 7 nights) and patience (something I am not normally associated with) to fill in the the corners.

The file size shouldn't grow much larger unless I go "outside the box" defined by the corners.

I need to work out what going on in the middle in terms of the calibration.. need food first though and lots of caffine...


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Terrific project! As for calibration, I have not yet tried multi-multi mosaics but your image is an inspiration to do so. At the risk of saying something rather obvious that you already do, have you cropped the iindividual images enough before combining them? This usually loses the hard overlapping edges created by edge artifacts. I suspect that the other big issue will be even-ness of illumination. Good flats ought, in theory, help Registar to make seamless mosaics.

Sorry if you've already done all this but since I have yet to try something so ambitious I don't know what to expect.


PS I generally argue that patience is a vice. It is an impediment to immediate and decisive action in persuit of fast gratification. But I may be mellowing...

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Thanks Olly and Dave,

Were thinking along the same lines Olly... I have already cropped the individual stack and each stack has 40 sky flats and 40 bias in the processing its a bit of a suck it and see at the moment I have all the original data so plenty of time to try and imrtove it further once is start to pad it out i'll have more overlap to play with so could crop even more...

I am not sure with the fact that these is so much nebulosity in soem of the images is having on the calibration process...

At the moment I am more concerned about the geometric side of things just covering the whole area.. last night wasn't as transparent as the night before and i think that shows up in the data...

Its interesting to see how Registar has deformed the geometry of the lower right panes as I have extended upwards tonight i will hopefully find out what happens when I add more panes around Sadr... 23:30 start and 03:309 finish should get me another 4 panes worth of data...


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That's looking very nice Peter. Hope you get the weather/darkness to finish it off! I guess you could rotate the current axis so it's horizontal and have a wide panoramic image with the all the data you have now if the weather flips.



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Thanks Erwin... Started as a labour of love but its becoming a bit of an obsessive nightmare at the moment..

Had a strange night last night... after the problems where the Scope had crept into the mount during the day... I had to re-align - used the x3 barlowed 12mm, reticule EP which is giving x508 and doing a EQ-North 2 star alignment on Vega and Arcturus - I got the best guiding ever...

I had also racked the focuser in and out a few times on the Megrez72 and ended up with round stars from corner to corner... think the focuser tension needs adjusting up as well...

Pity i missed the target with the first pane so have a gap to fill ... it was also outside the box so would have significantly increase the file size which is already 743 MB and when you have a few of them open at the same time your really asking for trouble...

I think i need to drop from 4 to 3 panes per night as well need to start later and finish earlier as I am having to throw away the first few subs of the first image and the last few of the last image due to the background being to bright perhaps need 23:45-00:45 00:45-01:45 and 01:45-02:45 as the three hour long capture windows...

Not going to show anymore until its finished... although i might have to take a break after tonight as I am really starting to feel the lack of decent unbroken sleep now...

Might need to rethink the pre-processing strategy as well and work just with cropped stacked files straight out of DSS rather than doing any processing on them...


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Knowing when to stop....?

When i fall over and dont get back up again I suppose......

I have reprocessed the images this morning did an initial black level on them then converted to 16 bit another tweak of levels then cropped to remove any edges caused by mis-alignment then run GradX on them ready for another attmempt at combining...

The hardest bit is spending an hour grabbing data on "the boring" bits but they are needed for the final image so got to be done... going to drop to 3 panes per night and try and sleep till 23:00 and get back in by 03:00 and go back to bed... ready for the 5:30 alarm for work...

I really want to add a bit more below and to the right of the Crescent pane and above and to the left of the NAN but this adds massively to the file size and number of

panes needed...

I really want to keep the full resolution of around 15000 x 10000 pixels but might have to halve the resolution to keep Registar happy...


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A marathon effort Peter :icon_salut:

Great result.

I know what you mean about sleep....it was crystal clear here last night but I've been up for 6 nights in a row, and was getting so grumpy that I had to get an early night :cool:



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