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Moon mosaic - blood sweat and tears!


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This is from 4th April. It's taken me that long to stitch it all together (allowing for 2 weeks holiday) Around 100 frames with a lot of overlapping. 10" LX200 and a DMK at F10.

Despite everything I've still managed to miss some bits and have had to patch in a previous lunar image using a ZS66 and a Toucam!

I'll try to fill in the gaps when the moon is next in the right phase and make a big poster. The original image is 5000x6000 pixels


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Thanks guys, yes it's tricky to spot the missing bit at this resolution. The bigger the image the more it becomes appararent. The main patch is over the Mare Crisium. This was done using the ZS66 image which is a nice enough image but much lower resolution.

Once I've got the missing data I'll post a full size job onto my website and post a link

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Seems off seeing lunar images fron you Martin.

Certainly looks very nice and crisp at the resolution posted.

100 frames :) My largest mosaic was 72 panes and that took days and days to stack, peice together, get the brigtness balance right.

I would really like to see your full res one!

Excellent work.


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Nicely Done Martin...

100 panes hey ... hmmm It took me lonng enough (8 hours) to do a 69 frame one...pity Registrax doesnt support multi processor setups - it only runs on a single core... I have done experiemnts running multiple instances of the program on seperate cores it was a bit quicker than processing the files one after another but not massively and a bit of a PITA to do...

I missed a couple of panes in one strips when ICCapture crashed a few times on me...

Have only had one night on luna since getting my DMK so it's all my fault :D and since I have picked up the LRGB filters and wheel its bound to be another couple of weeks before I get a chance to use it again...

Cant wait to have another go though :)


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I made the mistake last time of tracking the terminator rather than just doing strips With the RA fixed and just moving in DEC then moving in RA between strips...

How much overlap do you allow ?

When I have finished I usually do a lap around the the full perimeter just in case...

Doesn't help when the bit you have missed is int he middle though :)

I still assemble the mosaics by hand as a multi layered document in CS3 - I try and produce a "map" of where each pane goes positioning them using difference mode then and lock them once they are positioned.

I am noticing some issues around the edges (field flatness ?) of the individual panes and I am wondering whats the best way to fix it..


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