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Mysterious bluish structures in Cassiopeia WideField


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With my dual-RASA rig I recently stumbled upon some mysterious bluish structures in Cassiopeia (https://www.astrobin.com/cnvp2s/), which turned out to be a never before imaged "Interstellar Shell" GSH 122+02-77 (http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=GSH+122%2B02-77&submit=SIMBAD+search), whatever that could be. I have now processed what my piggybacking Samyang 135 was capturing the same night, allowing me to show these structures in relation to some of the more iconic objects in Cassiopeia, including the Ghost and twelve Sharpless objects. I also realized I could add a second panel (to the right) that I had in store to make a two panel mosaic that also includes the rarely imaged supernova remnant G126.2+01.6.

So the mosaic is based on two Samyang 135 images to which I have added ca 50% RASA data to the main features. Totally 33 hours of data. All through IDAS NBZ filter (Ha+Oiii dualband).

Here is my post with the RASA image:


20240307 Near Sh2-183 mosaic PS5sign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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I am not a DSO imager, but have you seen the posts/discoveries from Bray Falls of filamentous like structures (nor sure if it is in the same area)? Could it be something similar? He seems to be going quite deep with his imaging.

Fantastic images by the way.

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3 minutes ago, Kon said:

I am not a DSO imager, but have you seen the posts/discoveries from Bray Falls of filamentous like structures (nor sure if it is in the same area)? Could it be something similar? He seems to be going quite deep with his imaging.

Fantastic images by the way.

Thanks Kon! Yes, I am following Bray on Astrobin. These structures can can be SNRs or sometime old PNs. In my case its is quite unclear what they are.

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10 minutes ago, The Admiral said:

You never cease to amaze Goran 👏. Where would you be without those lovely dark skies to keep you, and us, amused?


Thanks a lot for your kind words Ian!

Yes, I feel I have the responsibility of catching the photons landing here when other parts of the Earth, most often UK it seems, are obscured. Someone has to do it😉

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7 minutes ago, gorann said:

Yes, I feel I have the responsibility of catching the photons landing here

I'm beginning to suspect that you've found a way to collect all ours as well. 😉


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Yes well done Göran, interesting stuff and a very nice wide field. I've just about given up at the moment the weather has been so bad, and have made a dash to the South of France, where at least I can see the stars, even if I can't image them (suppose I should invest in a mini portable setup for such occasions, but can't quite raise the motivation levels to do so)

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What a superb image Goran, there is so much going on here. Great that you have old data to tap into to make the large mosaics like this. 

6 hours ago, The Admiral said:

I'm beginning to suspect that you've found a way to collect all ours as well.

I suspect it lies in that dual RASA and a SY135, it’s just greedy…Goran the Greedy 😂

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5 hours ago, Fegato said:

Yes well done Göran, interesting stuff and a very nice wide field. I've just about given up at the moment the weather has been so bad, and have made a dash to the South of France, where at least I can see the stars, even if I can't image them (suppose I should invest in a mini portable setup for such occasions, but can't quite raise the motivation levels to do so)

Thanks! I would hate having a RASA 11 almost constantly hiding under clouds. I am amazed by the interest in astrophotography revealed in SGL of the inhabitants of such a cloud stricken island as GB.

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3 minutes ago, WolfieGlos said:

What a superb image Goran, there is so much going on here. Great that you have old data to tap into to make the large mosaics like this. 

I suspect it lies in that dual RASA and a SY135, it’s just greedy…Goran the Greedy 😂

Thanks a lot Wolfie! Yes, I just have to remember if and when and where I have the data to add (just realized I have 750 images posted on my Astrobin page). In this case it was recent so rather easy.

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Fascinating stuff. The Samyang-RASA is a demon pairing for combining widefield and high res. Do you combine them in a starless state? I tend to do this then apply Samyang-only stars for consistency.


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Thanks Olly! Like you I add starless Rasa data so the stars are all Samyang. When I tried this before the starless era it was annoying to see the small Rasa stars inside the bigger Samyang stars. 

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On 19/03/2024 at 22:43, gorann said:

Thanks! I would hate having a RASA 11 almost constantly hiding under clouds. I am amazed by the interest in astrophotography revealed in SGL of the inhabitants of such a cloud stricken island as GB.

Goran, I know you are at quite a Northerly latitude, which goes against the conventional thinking for these ventures, but have you considered offering imaging hosting at you location?
You might get some interest from us perma cloud frustrated imagers here in the UK.😉

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19 minutes ago, tomato said:

Goran, I know you are at quite a Northerly latitude, which goes against the conventional thinking for these ventures, but have you considered offering imaging hosting at you location?
You might get some interest from us perma cloud frustrated imagers here in the UK.😉

My obsies are not set up to have the roofs automated and I am not a very technical person (especially when it comes to computers) so I am afraid it would be a lot of stress, so running such an enterprise is really not for me.

But I do feel sorry for you in the UK. I heard yesterday that the UN had published the yearly ranking of happiness. Finland is number one and we in Sweden rank 4. UK ends up as number 20. Maybe weather related?

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Hmm, I suspect there are other factors involved to put us at no. 20 but this is a politics free forum so I'll leave it there.

Looking at you equipment list I'm sure you have plenty to keep you busy without looking after other people's set ups. 

Keep those widefield RASA images coming, it gives us all a lift when you post one.👍

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7 hours ago, tomato said:

Hmm, I suspect there are other factors involved to put us at no. 20 but this is a politics free forum so I'll leave it there.

Looking at you equipment list I'm sure you have plenty to keep you busy without looking after other people's set ups. 

Keep those widefield RASA images coming, it gives us all a lift when you post one.👍

Thanks a lot for your understanding and the kind words Steve! Keep the spirit up, it will clear one night!

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On 21/03/2024 at 04:53, gorann said:

My obsies are not set up to have the roofs automated and I am not a very technical person (especially when it comes to computers) so I am afraid it would be a lot of stress, so running such an enterprise is really not for me.

But I do feel sorry for you in the UK. I heard yesterday that the UN had published the yearly ranking of happiness. Finland is number one and we in Sweden rank 4. UK ends up as number 20. Maybe weather related?

Definitely not meaning anythihg political, I'm  just saying.

Don't feel too bad, we came out #25 I think.

Me, I'm always happy but I blame the medication! 😜

And those are incredible images.

Edited by maw lod qan
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