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The speed of light is…NO ITS NOT!!!

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Omg, what can we trust as being factual and undstood if something I thought was cemented in the pantheon of sciencedom is not what I thought! How can we gauge distances to anything in light years if we don’t know the one way speed of light? light coming from Andromeda to our instruments is a one way trip.


Edited by Sunshine
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Mr. Varitasium certainly likes to stir the hornets nest!

He recently did a video about electrical energy not flowing in conductors, but in the fields generated by the agitated electrons carried in them, or something to that effect. It caused a bit of a storm in the on-line community. 😀 

And that is its value. He's not teaching physicists, he's opening the average punters eyes to some astonishing subjects. In my limited view, the video posted  above is more a matter of devils advocate playing at semantics, stating the obvious in a provacative prose.

Anyway, he seems to have reduced output in recent times but his work is generally very watchable!


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1 hour ago, Paul M said:

Mr. Varitasium certainly likes to stir the hornets nest!

He recently did a video about electrical energy not flowing in conductors, but in the fields generated by the agitated electrons carried in them, or something to that effect. It caused a bit of a storm in the on-line community. 😀 

And that is its value. He's not teaching physicists, he's opening the average punters eyes to some astonishing subjects. In my limited view, the video posted  above is more a matter of devils advocate playing at semantics, stating the obvious in a provacative prose.

Anyway, he seems to have reduced output in recent times but his work is generally very watchable!


Oh yes, but it is perfectly fine to stir the pot when you’re bringing up valid points. He does Quote Einstein and isn’t necessarily making anything up that is not already known, it seems to be a genuine conundrum, I wonder what will be discovered one day to turn our understanding on its head. If we become comfortable with a conventional value simply because another cannot be measured then we may as well throw the scientific method out the window. 

Edited by Sunshine
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I wonder whether this is one of the many philosophical questions which are interesting but actually have no material importance. You could argue it’s just the way the universe is ie. there are certain things we can’t know for sure like we can’t know the universe wasn’t created 5 minutes ago, along with all our memories, or that we can’t simultaneously know both the  velocity and position of a particle with unlimited precision. 

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6 hours ago, Paul M said:

Mr. Varitasium certainly likes to stir the hornets nest!

He recently did a video about electrical energy not flowing in conductors, but in the fields generated by the agitated electrons carried in them, or something to that effect. It caused a bit of a storm in the on-line community. 😀 

And that is its value. He's not teaching physicists, he's opening the average punters eyes to some astonishing subjects. In my limited view, the video posted  above is more a matter of devils advocate playing at semantics, stating the obvious in a provacative prose.

Anyway, he seems to have reduced output in recent times but his work is generally very watchable!


In science our explanations, even though we may put on them grand titles of "laws or theory",  are only ever a interpretation of reality - they are in fact ever changing models. So depending on our need, we can think of current as a flow of electrons carrying charge inside a conductor or if our need is different we can think of it as described by Mr Veritasium as induced by a fluctuating electromagnetic field.  Both models are effective at what they do. 


Edited by saac
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3 hours ago, Paul M said:

he's opening the average punters


48 minutes ago, saac said:

a flow of electrocutions carrying charge

Nice one ! :)


Edited by MalcolmP
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2 hours ago, apaulo said:

In reality, we are still peering through the letterbox out onto the street. We havnt even opened the door.

But even if we do get out onto the street our understanding will still remain a limited interpretation. There will always be different models for the same phenomena. The wave/particle nature of light is a classic example. 


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6 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Oh yes, but it is perfectly fine to stir the pot when you’re bringing up valid points. He does Quote Einstein and isn’t necessarily making anything up that is not already known, it seems to be a genuine conundrum, I wonder what will be discovered one day to turn our understanding on its head. If we become comfortable with a conventional value simply because another cannot be measured then we may as well throw the scientific method out the window. 

I think a lot of Utub posting,not all, most are very good, are click fodder

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5 hours ago, saac said:

You got there before my fat fingers could correct it Malcolm :) 

Sorry ! :) 
It was the prospect of the results of Mr V encouraging, via 'tube, people to experiment with electrickery that had me in fits of laughter.

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