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broken meade lx200 12" dec lock

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Hello everyone!;)

I have a meade 12" lx200gps with piggy backed astro revelation 80.

I've been into astronomy off and on for many years but have only recently taken the mind boggling leap into astroimaging :) (learning curve of 1:1).

Tonight I was just about to set up my equipment in the garden when disaster strook!:) Whilst trying to loosen the Dec lock it snapped and came off in my hand leaving a small ammount of thread in the fork, now being fairly practcal I stripped it and retrived the remaining thread, brushed myself off and thought "never mind I'll replace it with a bolt or screw":) it wouldn't be as pretty as the meade logoed hand adjuster but would do the trick.

I forgot they are still using what appears to be imperial thread and couldn't match it.:icon_rolleyes:

Can anyone help me locating a replacement dec lock? Ive checked astro engineering and meade websites but have found nothing.

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I replaced my Meade dec bolt not because it had failed but because of a known issue - it was short and on tightening I was risking stripping the threads on the Aluminium trunion inside the fork arm as it only engaged on 2 threads. I purchased a longer bolt, removed the head, drilled the bolt shaft and fixed it back in the existing large knob using the existing dowel assembly. This sorted the issue, it now engages with plenty of threads.

For your info the bolt I got was a 10.24 UNC x 3" Slotted Round Head Screw code LQP43W from here

Stig's Stainless Fasteners

Hope you get sorted,


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You have all been really helpful, thanks.

I have managed to fix it by visiting a local fixings and fastening suppliers. They had the right type of thread with a slot head, I also bought a nut to thread onto it, removed the old broken thread heated up the new one and melted it into place in the DEC lock hand adjuster, replaced the Meade sticker and hey presto just like new!

It never ceases to amaze me how resourceful you can be when faced with a problem on an expensive technical heavy piece of equipment that can't easily be transported for professional repairs.

Once again Thanks

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If you change the Meade 'wet clutch' for the Peterson Eng (Bucks Gears) dry clutch, you won't need to tighten the Dec clutch anywhere near so tightly. Hence less strain on the bolt, for far more grip.

The mod is very simple, and comprises just a thin cork gasket type ring, albeit not a lot for the £30 it costs.

I did both my previous scope (10" LX200GPS), and my current scope (12" LX200R).

Rother Valley Optics, is the UK supplier of Peterson 'kits' for the LX scopes.


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Hi everyone,

just reading about upgrading the clutch on the lx200 is it hard to do as i want to upgrade the scope where possible, ie clutch colimation screws and gears but dont want to wreck scope.

any info would be helpful.

regards ron.s.g

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The Dec clutch upgrade is about as simple as it gets. Just need some White Spirit (or similar) to remove the grease from the metal clutch faces, and drop in the Peterson cork ring, and that's it, job done. 10 minutes max.

As for the Buck Gears, the unless you have damaged Nylon transfer gear wheels, then don't waste your money. The later LX, like my 12" LX200R, come with Brass transfer gears.

My old 10" LX200GPS had the Nylon gears, and I changed them for the stainless steel Bucks Gear set. The idea behind this was to try and improve the PEC.

It made ablsolutely no difference to the PEC, and a such was really a waste of £90.

However, what did make a worthwhile difference, was the modification to the worm gear mounting, to give it a degree of adjustment to improve the mesh of the transfer gears. This is a little more involved than the clutch upgrade, and require enlarging four small mounting holes (drill bit supplied). However, still a very simple job.

The Mod is available separately to the gear set, and is sold as the 'Tune up Kit', for £30.

All available from Rother Valley Optics.

Replacing the collimation adjustment screws, with a set of 'Bob's knobs', is the best upgrade you can make to the scope.



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