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Imagining below 25° (Thors helmet)


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Hi Stargazers! 

It’s been a while! 
I lost the last 6 months wide field data due to hdd failure and I have been rebuilding my rig after the “flying boat” incident 

(some guys get all the luck) 

Whilst deciding what bits to replace, I cobbled together a rig with my old revelation Astro ed100 combined with my qhy268 (there’s another story!) and Antlia edge 4.5nm filters 

I took an image of Thors Helmet many years ago with a canon 350d on my 12” Meade sct  and was always going to return to it some day 

I was hoping to start this in Dec or even Nov but equipment and weather didn’t allow

One thing I’ve discovered, guiding gets tricky at this altitude! 

Anyhoo! This is a crop of the final, and it’s ok but I was hoping for slightly better, I guess a longer focal length, better guiding and living further south would help? 

It’s nothing special, but what can you do when imaging below 25°?


Thanks for looking 


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44 minutes ago, assouptro said:

It’s nothing special, but what can you do when imaging below 25°?

I disagree - I think it is very special because you have achieved a great result whilst imaging below 25 degrees. "Well done" to you - and thanks for sharing.


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4 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

I disagree - I think it is very special because you have achieved a great result whilst imaging below 25 degrees. "Well done" to you - and thanks for sharing.


Thank you for the kind words Adrian

Your comment is encouraging and made me smile 😊



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1 hour ago, assouptro said:

my rig after the “flying boat” incident 

That must still be a hard one to watch/think about, even months later!

Great result from the challenging elevation - strong colour and good detail coming through.

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4 minutes ago, geeklee said:

That must still be a hard one to watch/think about, even months later!

Great result from the challenging elevation - strong colour and good detail coming through.

Thanks geeklee

I almost decided to quit Astro imaging especially when 6 months of hard earned data vanished with a HDD failure shortly after this disaster. 

But this hobby has always been a series of hurdles and challenges to overcome for the reward of an image of the ancient universe around us you can share or just stare at again and again in wonder! 

Thank you for the comment 


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37 minutes ago, Elp said:

I think it's a pretty fantastic result. I've imaged it at 15-20 degrees.

Thanks Elp 

Really appreciate your comment 

15-20° must have been a real challenge! 
I can’t get that low due to houses and trees! 

Thanks again 


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