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I must be going soft…


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….. I put socks on with my crocs tonight, good job it was dark! Still in my shorts though so all is not lost. 🤣

It’s certainly chilly out there, but the skies are fab so it was worth heading out.

Mrs Stu had some work calls this evening, so I set the FS-128 up on the AZ75 mount and Uni-28 tripod. This setup works very well and is plenty stable enough, very manageable to carry out to the garden too.

Normal bedtime duties were in play, but I managed to interrupt hair drying to pop out to watch Io and Europa duck behind the planet. The scope had cooled by this time, and the detail on the planet was the best I’ve seen this apparition. The two tiny disks disappearing behind the limb were fascinating to watch.

Duties done, I headed out again. Jupiter was even better by then, GRS was fairly central, with the clear separation from the SEB visible. Following GRS was an area of turbulence, the first time I’ve picked this up; the seeing was pretty good, although still with the odd lumpiness/blurring periodically.

The NEB was quite dark for most of its length, with a white notch out of the southern boundary at the root of where a nice festoon dropped down into the Equatorial band. The band itself was darkened down the centre line from the festoons. The NEB showed plenty of detail along top and bottom edges. Below GRS, a dark belt trailed off the bottom edge while in the Southern polar region, two of the Temperate zones were visible, and one in the North.

Really wonderful views, validating the quality of this wonderful scope.

I then popped over to Orion, popping the Leica Zoom in as I prefer cyclops for viewing lower power targets as well as doubles at any power. First up Rigel which was a little flary with the seeing, but even at lowest power (x58) the secondary was clearly visible, whilst ramping up the power to x116 gave a large separation.

Next up was M42, and more specifically the Trapezium. The E star was there, but I couldn’t conclusively spot F. I went to grab both my eyepiece cases to see whether a fixed focal length eyepiece would help. In went the 7mm XW for x148. With careful focusing, the F star showed itself quite clearly. Next up was the 7mm BGO and that showed a small but noticeable improvement. The stars just seemed a smidge tighter and F was definitely clearer, consistently there, something which surprised me with the fearsome reputation of the XWs. I tried a few more combos; 6mm BGO, barlowed Docter 12.5mm, Nag zoom at 6mm but none of them matched the 7mm BGO. Interestingly, the Doctor 12.5mm unbarlowed at x83 also showed the E star which I was pretty impressed by.

Sigma Orionis looked stunning too, the faint fourth component very clear.

Last stops were 32 and 52 Orionis. The 5mm BGO worked well on these, both splitting well although the seeing wasn’t the best. Any more eg 3.4 HR Vixen was too much.

Actually, that wasn’t quite the end. I popped the 31mm Nagler in and had a look at M45 white didn’t fit in comfortably, but showed hints of nebulously. The whole of Orion’s sword did fit in, just, with the tiny Trapezium still beautifully sharp and split. Finally finally, in went the Docter for a look at M42. Beautiful bat wings and structure in the nebulosity which showed a green tint, with tiny stars showing through above the Trap. Lovely stuff.

That was it for the night, quick and easy to pack away and a cup of tea to thaw out. Mrs Stu told me I looked like a serial killer in my black gloves and bobble hat when I walked into the lounge 🤣.

Now who sells fur lined crocs?


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Shorts and crocs? In this weather? You're insane! Fair-play😁

I had clear skies earlier and was out with the 115 looking at Jove and some of the usual suspects but was dressed like I was about to embark on a Himalayan expedition.

Nice to have some clear skies again, despite the cold.

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Oh dear I have so many issues with this post.

1. Fur-lined Crocs are a Thing I believe. My wife has just thrown a pair out because they STANK!

2. Hair-drying duties. Last time I saw you, that didn’t seem necessary? Have you become Viking? 🤣

3. Cup of tea to thaw out, hmm really 🤥 😁? Whiskey perhaps?

4. Serial killer I can believe 🤣🤣

Seriously though, sounds like a great session and lovely scope. I couldn’t get out tonight but will tomorrow 🤞.


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18 minutes ago, Captain Scarlet said:

Oh dear I have so many issues with this post.

1. Fur-lined Crocs are a Thing I believe. My wife has just thrown a pair out because they STANK!

2. Hair-drying duties. Last time I saw you, that didn’t seem necessary? Have you become Viking? 🤣

3. Cup of tea to thaw out, hmm really 🤥 😁? Whiskey perhaps?

4. Serial killer I can believe 🤣🤣

Seriously though, sounds like a great session and lovely scope. I couldn’t get out tonight but will tomorrow 🤞.



I can well believe the odour problems which might accompany fur lined crocs, so I think I will pass on those. Bear in mind that even my owning a pair of standard crocs is a near divorce level issue for Mrs Stu 🤣.

Regarding hair drying duties, I was referring to the short person (who seems to be getting less short by the day), and who has plenty of hair, unlike her father!

’‘twas indeed a good session 👍

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Lovely detailed report - sounds like a nice session with with your super kit. I was all set to brave the -2C conditions, but when I stepped outside it had clouded over - I have to admit I was quite relieved.  😆

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It's reports like this spiraled me down the 'Tak collecting' path. And here's one extolling yet a bigger one ... oh dear! 

Great report, very enjoyable to read, and my partner swears by Crocs!

I had my best ever view of M42 the other night. Went inside to try and persuade my partner to come out and take a peek. By the time she'd swapped her ordinary Crocs for fur lined ones, the sky had completely clouded over and mild sleet was falling ☹️


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8 hours ago, Stu said:


I can well believe the odour problems which might accompany fur lined crocs, so I think I will pass on those. Bear in mind that even my owning a pair of standard crocs is a near divorce level issue for Mrs Stu 🤣.

Regarding hair drying duties, I was referring to the short person (who seems to be getting less short by the day), and who has plenty of hair, unlike her father!

’‘twas indeed a good session 👍

I’m with Mrs Stu in this one 🤣

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  • 3 weeks later...

I spent a lot of -20F nights at the Milwaukee Astronomical Society's observatory in New Berlin, Wi. way back when we were introduced to the term Siberian express. After the 3rd or 4th night you don't notice it any more, you just hoped you didnt freeze your face to the telescope and that you can close up the dome when you're done.

Now days they would call it the "Bomb" blizzard....lol

Brian K9WIS

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