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M78 Casper the Friendly Ghost Nebula


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M78 Casper the Friendly Ghost Nebula

Tricky one this as starts quite low but it'll be around for a while so hope to get her up to 20hrs at some point. Imaged over 2 nights but only visible from 01:30 from my garden.


  • 148 x 180s lights - 7hrs 20mins
  • 30 Flats, 30 Dark Flats, 30 Darks
  • Altair 130mm EDF-T Triplet with 0.8 reducer
  • ASI2600MC Pro
  • Stacked in PI
  • Background reduction using GradXpert AI Beta
  • Processed in PI

M78 7_30hrs.jpg

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54 minutes ago, gorann said:

The image is already in an excellent shape! Will be interesting to see if 20 hours will make much of a difference.

Thanks, as long as I get good subs around new moon it should get the dust to pop more and tighten up the details.......maybe :D

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