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Disposal of my 4.3m/14' GRP dome project.


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I spent most of 2021 working on a fibreglass dome with spherical, bi-parting shutters.
Almost completed and close to being be lifted onto my two storey, home built observatory.
The whole build was documented in fine detail on my blog. [Signature below] Starts in February 2021.
The hope, at the time, was that others could copy my build.

Then my wife died suddenly in early 2022. All interest in my observatory building was lost.
Nearly 18 months later I still haven't touched the project. It has cost me around £4k so far.
A fraction of the price of a commercial dome in this size. Or even one of half the size!
I am prepared to have it taken away, free of charge, by anyone who can muster the muscle power and transport.
This thing is huge! Do not underestimate the effort required to handle the job. Check the picture below with the builders ladder for scale.

Fortunately the dome can be dismantled into three, large segments plus the shutters. It is simply bolted together with sealant at the overlaps.
If this were the UK or USA then somebody ambitious would probably take it off my hands.
But, I live [almost literally] in the middle of Denmark. Which has a small population and even smaller astronomy base.

If anyone in Denmark, or perhaps Germany[?] wants to take it away then you can have the project completely free of charge.
You will be entirely responsible for dismantling, loading a car transporter trailer and removal from the site. 500kg total?

You will need at least two or preferably three [or more] strong men. Huge and awkward, 150kg segments need sheer muscle to handle safely.
I worked entirely solo and it was really too heavy for me alone. [I am in my mid 70s!]
I can't imagine the idea of taking on this project would have anybody from the UK making the long trip over.
Despite the enormous savings! Remember, it is still an almost completed project. You will need to manage the final details.

I have advertised the project in the SG European buy and sell forum but doubt that will reach many likely to be interested.
I shall contact the Danish astronomy forum and list it on the Danish, small ads websites. DBA & GogG. There is no Danish eBay. Only eBay.de.

If there are any other constructive suggestions for disposal then I'd like to hear them. Thanks for your patience.



two dmes ladder rsz 600.jpg

two domes rsz 600.jpg

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14 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

Sorry to hear this.... May I suggest you post about it on the danish Astronet? I would not be surprised if it caught the interest of someone there!!


De bedste hilsener - Victor

Hej Victor! :thumbsup:

Thanks for the link. I'll do that.

I have just sent Astronomisk.dk a mail.



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Really sorry to hear about your wife Chris. Not surprising you have lost interest in the project. The dome looks amazing - do you think you might be more inclined to finish it if you had some help? I’m wondering if there are some enthusiastic astronomers who might be willing to help out? Good luck.  

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11 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Really sorry to hear about your wife Chris. Not surprising you have lost interest in the project. The dome looks amazing - do you think you might be more inclined to finish it if you had some help? I’m wondering if there are some enthusiastic astronomers who might be willing to help out? Good luck.  

Thanks Rob. :thumbsup:

I have always been a bit of a loner. So never sought help, or even notice of my activities. Preferring to share, semi-anonymously online.

I have now contacted two Danish astro forums and clubs. With reference to free collection rather than seeking aid.

Let's see what comes of that.

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Hi again,

I have had a very kind and helpful response from the Danish Astronet Administrator.

He will spread the word about my dome and filter any responses as a vital go between.

He and his observatory are within a comfortable driving distance and he has invited me to visit for coffee.

I haven't had a face to face chat with a fellow amateur astronomer for years.

Thanks for all your support and ideas!  :thumbsup:


Edited by Rusted
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@Rusted the workmanship on your dome looks excellent so hopefully you will get a satisfactory resolution.  Given the size of the dome I wonder if perhaps it may be something that a school may be interested in.  I don't know if you have any contacts that could reach out to nearby/regional High Schools but it may be worth a try. 


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Thanks again for all your kind wishes and support. :thumbsup:

It would be ideal if the dome went to a school or institution.
Though this would require long term support and interest from suitable staff.
I have seen such observatories go to waste after a staff member moved on.
Or valuable items disappear into the woodwork through a lack of security.
Or students being allow to "play," unsupervised, with high value antiques and equipment.
Even the growth of nearby trees can destroy the very purpose of such a facility.
I will, of course, keep you informed of any progress.

Kind regards


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