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(solved)To transfer files from Android to Windows ?


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Hi all,
The problem : how best to transfer files from an Android tablet to a Windows 7 desktop ?

The situation : DSLR (with no onboard wifi) on tripod with telephoto lens, lost in space :)

The object of it all :  to avoid taking the card out of the camera each time to run indoors with it to plate solve.

I thought I was being clever, to USB the camera into the android, magically it appears in the file viewer alongside the internal files and those on the microSD card which is also slotted in for extra memory.
I can now use some apps on the android to give it an HTTP or an FTP URL which I can see in a browser on the desktop, and thus download a file to ASTAP it.
 BUT none of them can see into the camera folder and one cant even see the microSD folder :(

The work-round : I transfer the file from the camera to the android internal folder and download from there.
Not ideal with my eyesight on a small tablet with fat fingers trying to maintain dark vision, so as not to stumble into tripod  ! and not fall at the steps into the house.

The android sees my home internet via the router's wifi and the win7 is hard wired to it.

Thanks for reading, and any ideas

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When your camera is connected to the tablet via USB cable, does the usb connection have file access permissions, it usually asks the mode you want to use when connected. It works fine (file transfer mode) when a mobile is connected to a PC, don't know how it works when a camera is connected to a tablet. If it works you can then copy the required image file and plate solve via your tablet.

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6 hours ago, Michael Murphy said:

This would require internet access for both devices tho'.

Thanks. Yes both have internet but at the end of a long slow rural bit of copper wire ! I had been using nova.astrometry.net until I discovered the amazing ASTAP for local solving.
I'll have a look into Dropbox, the sync sounds good to avoid some fumbling in the dark but uploading the file to dropbox will slow things down a bit.

6 hours ago, Elp said:

does the usb connection have file access

and plate solve via your tablet.

Thanks,  yes, the tablet sees the camera files ok and I didnt see any flags raised about permissions, like when I connect a phone to the PC, but something like that could be lurking somewhere ! The camera card appears in the tablet file tree ok, and all the file tree gets reflected in the PC browser via the wifi app -- EXCEPT the camera card bit of the tree ! - ARGH!, the vital bit -- to save having to fumble in the dark manually sending files into those areas that can be reflected. I had hoped that there might be a different wifi app somewhere that could see all of the tree.
I have not yet found a solver for android tablets, at least not for DSLR and many other cameras. OpenLiveStacker on android uses a version of astap and looks promising but as yet only --   quote/ASI ZWO and UVC camera support (like SVBony sv105/sv205) /quote :(
I may have to get a windows tablet to run astap at the camera  :) 


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The obvious next step if you can't get it working direct from camera is introduce a controlling computer. Raspberry pi loaded with Astroberry, with astap databases pre downloaded and installed, image acquisition and plate solving via Ekos. You can interface with the pi using your tablet via a web browser, it's a bit clunky if the tablet is small, a pi with Stellarmate may prove to be better as it has a custom UI, or an Asiair or mini pc (or regular laptop/tablet type laptop).

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22 hours ago, Elp said:

Raspberry pi 

RPi being considered :) I have long wanted to play RPi but then the great pandemic and they became like hen's teeth. Now that they are available again I have forgotten what I was going to do with it/them ! Until I saw a couple of clever bods using HiQ cameras and RPi4s running a local copy of astrometrynet (I think) and sending the plate solve to Skysafari to do the planetarum bit.
Well not yet got a hiQ, nor a RPi and no Skysafari What's a chap to do if he only has the brilliant ASTAP, Stellarium and a DSLR ? Ask a question here on how to "Stellarium<>ASTAP" a few days ago ! (Aug28 in fact) :)
So that quest continues, got to the user manual, found Scripts,  and had a brain seizure, gosh it is a bit hard going !


20 hours ago, skybadger said:

bit old hat nowadays. 

and one (or more ?) of the originals no longer being made :( , also some doubts about camera compatibility ?

19 hours ago, knobby said:

Worth a dabble ?

Ohhh  yes, it sure is thanks, Camera control looks good, downloading as I type  , , ,


18 hours ago, happy-kat said:

When connecting the Android to the pc via usb the what type of connection method to use is asked on the Android device not the pc, drag the top notifications status bar down too see it. What Android version is your device

7 , but it is the camera that is usb to the android no prob, then the android to PC via wifi app to be seen in web browser by ftp or http, but not the camera SDcard, only the internal memory files and files on an extraSDcard in the android's slot images 

and two votes for cloudDrive on hold for now, best if I can do it locally cos of internet speed :(

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Update :

I am speechless , CCC looked good, eventually connected fine spent time looking for where it had put the files, engaged wifi app spent more time wondering why it stopped, port conflicts perhaps ? found that I needed CCC up before loading wifi, got browser httpd in, tx a couple of files. Brilliant. Set up camera,on tripod under a starry sky, test shot exposed, Wouldnt download, another * 1/2hr spent checking cables, folder contents, etc. scratching head, etc. finally saw a message was waiting off bottom of screen, pulled it up , ,  and,  , , it said "your trial is over ".
Well, spit ! and it is now cloudy.:(


Edit : * Update2 Just checked my posting times here and it was hardly 1/2hr in total :( It may be just the downloading bit that has timed out, but that is the important bit. !/2 hr and perhaps 20 downloads, not on .
And now raining.

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OK, so for fun I connected my Nikon to my Android phone with CCC pro - used a USB OTG to connect them.

Set auto download on CCC settings, then gave the Astronomy.net app a try ...

Had to grab an API key from web site, but hey presto !

I'll add screenshots soon.

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On 06/09/2023 at 20:10, knobby said:

an app that pulls the images direct to Android folder.

That is exactly the sort of app I need :) Thanks for the suggestions.
Helicon seems to work ok so far testing in daylight. I now need some stars to test it on*  to see if its reduced resolution evaluation mode is acceptable to astap.

* as Captain Oates said " ,,, I may be gone some time " !

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On 06/09/2023 at 21:12, happy-kat said:

What Android version is your device

It is a very old Acer 10" tablet donated to us by daughter.
And it is a totally confusing foreign land to someone brought up on DOS & Windows ! with a little Linux just for fun :)
The android version is only 7 ( as I discovered when I tried to use it as an HDMI screen for my Canon camera, the HDMI>USB capture dongle needs a A10 or higher :(  )
It keeps telling me that a system update is available but I've not done that on the basis that it works for all my other needs so dont fix it, and it does not say if it updates to 8 or higher, it may only update the 7, which is no use to me.

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Computers are fun! Lots of astro fun to be had when it is cloudy :)
Last night I discovered the cmd line versions of ASTAP and had great surprise when it worked straight out of the box ! 

has anyone else played and know of a -switch to output just the solved position instead of all the verbose stuff ?




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