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M31 and M32- first deep Sky session with new Horizon 72ED from 9th August 2023


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Two very scruffy images which are nothing compared to other images on here but, it is daft how happy they have made me!

These are the first two successful imaging runs with my new (to me) RVO Horizon 72ED.

I used my Sony a6300 and each image is 30X 30 second exposures at ISO3200. I did 4X 30 second darks before running out of time (work the next morning)

Stacked in DSS and tweaks to histogram etc. in SIRIL before a bit of levels adjusting in GIMP

Lots of dust and vignette etc but boy, am I pleased with the detail Best I have had on each area of sky.




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Well done! And although you're right, they're dirty and vignetty...it doesn't matter one jot! The joy of getting the first images like this is the best feeling. Well done again. Onwards and upwards.


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I know exactly what you mean about getting a first good image, feels very satisfying 🙂 , but getting an image of these DSO's that we normally wouldn't see is a great achievement.

Although daunting at first taking flats they are worth the effort and some flat frames wouldn't half clean the image up.


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Flats!  They will get rid of a whole lot of crap in one fell swoop.  Dust bunnies and vignetting - history.  Don't waste any more time, get a light box for use as a flat lamp, like this


They come in A5, A4 and A3 sizes, 12V or USB.  Don't pay more than 20 quid.


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