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Prom animation 14 June 2023

Dave Smith

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9 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Hi Dave. Another great video. When I saw this prom today I was sure it would lift off. But it’s still there 2 hours later.

It certainly looked as if it was off.  I find their behaviour fascinating. 

Thanks for the comment.


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Hi  I have been viewing this through my Coronado fascinating to watch

A gardener working opposite to my home asked as to what I was doing and he had a look and was  amazed this was his first view  of the Sun 

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On 14/06/2023 at 12:30, Dave Smith said:

That prom just cried out for an animation.




Hi @Dave Smith is this animation captured using a white light type solar wedge, or is it done with HA 'scope? Or both combined? Also, is solar astrophotography as difficult to master as night time DSO astrophotography? Apologies for so many q's Dave, it's just I'm considering getting into basic solar Astro-imaging. Thanks Dave!

Clear Skies, Wes

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6 hours ago, wesdon1 said:

Hi @Dave Smith is this animation captured using a white light type solar wedge, or is it done with HA 'scope? Or both combined? Also, is solar astrophotography as difficult to master as night time DSO astrophotography? Apologies for so many q's Dave, it's just I'm considering getting into basic solar Astro-imaging. Thanks Dave!

Clear Skies, Wes

You cannot see prominences in white light. They are clearly visible in hydrogen alpha but the kit gets very expensive. White light astrophotography is much simpler than for DSOs but you really need a different type of camera. I use an ASI174MM, which is a mono camera that can take frames at a rapid rate. The scope needs to be filtered with either Baader film, or a Herschel wedge. In white light you can see sunspots and depending how large your scope is, the details of umbra and penumbra. The software for capture and processing is mostly free. Hope this helps, please ask if you would like more detail.


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