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Another Venus in UV and true colour from 1/5/23


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I finally found some time to process my other UV captures from 1st May. I combined my two best captures and I think it has brought some more UV details out. I also processed the true colour capture with the asi462mc and UV/IR cut filter and some clouds are showing nicely. Same equipment as previous post.


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@Sunshineand @orion25thank you!

5 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Lovely work. Both crackers. But the UV Showing intricate structure and detail. Way to go.  Your processing also looks top draw.

Thanks Neil. I am glad they passed your critical (in a good way) and noise free eye. 

1 minute ago, Space Cowboy said:

Great images Kostas. Nice colour shot. As Neil says your processing is spot on.

Thanks Stuart. Your tips on processing from last season have helped with my overall processing.

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