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Helical Bok Globule in the rosette


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Hi stargazers 

I haven’t had a great deal of luck recently after buying a second hand qhy268m that was faulty, I was offered a refund but chose to attempt a service and repair which was luckily still within the 2 year warranty period 

I returned the camera to the vendor at the beginning of November and am still awaiting an update, as far as I know, the camera is still in the uk awaiting an rma number and return instructions from qhy 😟

Whilst waiting my Atik490 also developed a fault! 
That camera has been assessed and I have given instructions to repair, however the last communication was 19th of Dec 

I have since been playing with my noisy Atik383, a device camera that has a lot of lovers and loathers 

This is a closeup of the Helical Bok Globule in the rosette nebula, I have always found these potential star forming structures interesting and love imaging them 

This is an over processed version of the Globules comprising around 18 hours SHO, I would have liked to add some rgb stars but the weather hasn’t allowed 

Taken with my trusty Meade lx200 12” sct with a Starizona lf field flattener/reducer taking the F10  down to around F7 but more importantly helping control the star shapes 

It’s a jpeg, uploaded to my phone and tweaked in ps express 

Thanks for looking 





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6 minutes ago, Neil_104 said:

That's fascinating, never seen that before. Really gives a sense of movement

Thanks Neil 

I believe the Helical twists are caused by strong stellar winds sculpting the Bok Globule but I may be wrong? 

Thanks for the comment 😊



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On 20/02/2023 at 19:48, newbie alert said:

That's just crazy...another old but still no slouch when it comes to using it


Hi newbie alert! 

I have to admit the 383 seems less sensitive and noisy in individual subs compared to some of the other cameras I’ve used and needs more time per sub leaving it vulnerable to satellite, plane, cloud or wind disruption but give it time and good conditions and it can produce the goods! 
I’m sure a more experienced processor could do if more justice, the stacks were really easy to work with! 
Thanks for the comment 


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5 hours ago, windjammer said:

Over processed ? I don't think so - you've brought everything out and no artifacts AFIK.  It is very interesting.

Thank you windjammer I appreciate the comment 

I love the really natural look more experienced processors are capable of, I imagine it’s helped by using better optics and equipment than I currently own but it’s difficult to be completely satisfied with the final result when there is always another tweak! 

I think this is slightly better, but I’ve been looking at it for too long now!! 😵💫


Thanks again 


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On 19/02/2023 at 20:47, assouptro said:

Hi stargazers 

I haven’t had a great deal of luck recently after buying a second hand qhy268m that was faulty, I was offered a refund but chose to attempt a service and repair which was luckily still within the 2 year warranty period 

I returned the camera to the vendor at the beginning of November and am still awaiting an update, as far as I know, the camera is still in the uk awaiting an rma number and return instructions from qhy 😟

Whilst waiting my Atik490 also developed a fault! 
That camera has been assessed and I have given instructions to repair, however the last communication was 19th of Dec 

I have since been playing with my noisy Atik383, a device camera that has a lot of lovers and loathers 

This is a closeup of the Helical Bok Globule in the rosette nebula, I have always found these potential star forming structures interesting and love imaging them 

This is an over processed version of the Globules comprising around 18 hours SHO, I would have liked to add some rgb stars but the weather hasn’t allowed 

Taken with my trusty Meade lx200 12” sct with a Starizona lf field flattener/reducer taking the F10  down to around F7 but more importantly helping control the star shapes 

It’s a jpeg, uploaded to my phone and tweaked in ps express 

Thanks for looking 





@assouptro My goodness, I dream of producing works as beautiful and professional as this! Just stunning!! I am not worthy!! LOL. 

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