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Animation of Ganymede and Europa transiting Jupiter (26/10/2022)


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Hi all,

At last I finished processing the captures I made on the 26th of October with the transit of Ganymede and Europa (featuring also the GRS at the beginning and Io making a fleeting appearance from behind Jupiter's shadow near the end, I swear it is there, but only in a frame, by the top left corner) and decided to make this animation:


The gear:

  • Celestron C8 XLT
  • Sky-Watcher HEQ5
  • Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x
  • ZWO ASI224MC

The software:

  • CDC
  • Firecapture
  • Autostakkert
  • Registax
  • The gimp

Thanks for looking,


Edited by NenoVento
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Thanks @Kon, @StarryEyed, @maw lod qan and @geoflewis. I made 64 captures of 2 minutes each almost consecutively. Processing them took quite a while... Pitty that at the end I couldn't work with gimp to make the animation with the images at RGB, so I had to transform then to indexed colours, loosing some resolution.

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1 hour ago, NenoVento said:


Thanks @Kon, @StarryEyed, @maw lod qan and @geoflewis. I made 64 captures of 2 minutes each almost consecutively. Processing them took quite a while... Pitty that at the end I couldn't work with gimp to make the animation with the images at RGB, so I had to transform then to indexed colours, loosing some resolution.

Gimp has a function to convert to gif or you could add the images in PIPP and make the gif there.

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Thanks @neil phillips. @Kon, as per your suggestion, I tried PIPP but, unless I'm doing something wrong, gimp makes a far better job. I do like the back and forth option PIPP provides, but you cannot control the time between frames (or at least I couldn't find the way to do it) and the result is less smooth, as you can see below:




Edited by NenoVento
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