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Hi guys and girls, i ve just descovered Kstars and the Ekos Indi system of mount control, i must say im really enjoying it at the moment( albeit testing indoors due to weatehr) all running locally on my laptop and i really like the aspect of being ablle to connect remotely using a rasberry pi4 or some other device, i was just wondering if anyone here was currently using the same software, if they had any advice on using a rasberry pi for remote control ie which is best to get what other options are their, or even if theyve found a better solution alltogether for mount control and imageing in an all in one package? 

as it is with this hobby, im just waiting for a clear night so i can get out and use it


Thaks in advance


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Asiair is easier and more straightforward, and is easy to control and setup via the mobile phone app (no pc/computer needed for controlling the rig). You are however tied to using zwo cameras/accessories (some DSLRs are supported).

I've still got my astroberry loaded pi4, but the above just works easier and quicker so you can get on with imaging rather than learning a-z how it works first or where to find everything.

Others prefer Stellarmate loaded onto the pi which does have an app also, some the pi, some a tethered pc or mini pc.

Edited by Elp
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I use astroberry on a raspberry pi 4, so am not bound to zwo gear, as you will with an asiair (ie, dedicated camera, filter wheel, focuser). I have used INDI on several devices and with several operating systems, and find Astroberry on a RPi4 the most stable solution. Easy to connect from any web browser, and not a major learning curve.

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15 hours ago, nutter241 said:

i was just wondering if anyone here was currently using the same software, if they had any advice on using a rasberry pi for remote control ie which is best to get what other options are their, or even if theyve found a better solution alltogether for mount control and imageing in an all in one package? 

another vote for astroberry which nicely packages kstarts, INDI and most other things you might need. 

Your biggest problem would be actually gettng hold of a pi-4 at the moment.

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I run Kstars on a linux desktop in my observatory, very pleased dispite some niggles. Been many discussions on this topic. As a linux user this would be my approach if I had the rig out on the lawn within reach of a couple of extension cables:

Get a Pi3 B+ and install Linux Mint 20 or Debian Bookworm, and set it up as a headless INDI server (and nothing more) with an ethernet cable from the Pi trough the window to you laptop/desktop. Run the Kstars/Ekos suite on the laptop, and watch the subs roll indoors onto the laptop as the session progresses. Why?

* Both Mint 20 and Debian Bookworm has the complete INDI drivers in their repos. Mint uses Jasem's PPA, and Debian has it all in it's own. For older Debian, you can add Astroberry's repo.

* You can run the rig with different laptops, as long as you have the same settings and index-files (for platesolving) installed. The Pi can fail (although I have never heard of such) but it can be replaced and booted with the SD-card from the first (or from a duplicate - once installed, the SD-card is mostly static).

* With an ethernetcable the subs come in fast, and they are safe and can be inspected from the comfort of your living room. With real fast wireless you can achieve the same, but I think you need a Pi4. And my router will be the bottleneck for me.

Kstars is much more than rig control. While capturing I spend time setting up new schedules and sequences, picking up new targets, and reviewing the subs as they roll in. Sometimes I abort, do a few adjustments, and restart the capture. Much of this is done inside Kstars itself. Done in this way, you can do all these things without risking to disturb your ongoing session.


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16 hours ago, nutter241 said:

better solution alltogether for mount control and imageing in an all in one package? 

I tried the Pi route but Intel NUC's i3 or I5 for around £100 to £150 (used) are better. They run quite happily on 12 volts even though the power supply is marked at 18 volts. Get one with Windows 10 pro so you can run Remote desktop. The NUC has very good WiFi range.

I have one that runs the Pulsar dome, NINA, PHD2, focuser and Sharpcap and a GPCAM for remote monitoring using Altair imaging software.

Fast boot up too

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I have used Kstars/Ekos, but usually use CarteDuCiel/CCDciel.  I used to use PHD2 as well on the Pi, but now that both KStars and CCDciel have internal guiders that work well, I don't bother with PHD2 anymore.  Both platforms work really well on a stock Pi4 with at least 4G ram.  You can run either on a lesser Pi (even a Pi3) if you just run the indiserver on the Pi and run the software on a Linux desktop.  This avoids the need to VNC or otherwise remote to the Pi.  The downsides to using a Pi3 are that there is no USB3 port, which can slow camera downloads a bit and the quirk some Pi3 versions have where USB use (such as camera downloads) interferes with WiFi.  This is also somewhat less of a problem if you use the Pi3 for drivers only.

I also recommend ASTAP for plate solving.  The KSTARS internal plate solver is good, but ASTAP is still faster.  Alas, I don't recall if it is still an option for KSTARS, though it works exceptionally well with CCDciel.


Jon Carleton (Linux Astro)

Edited by JonCarleton
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On 23/10/2022 at 16:46, nutter241 said:

i ve just descovered Kstars and the Ekos Indi system of mount control,

One more Kstars user here. Love it!

You have the option of running

- Kstars on the RPi itself and controlled via tablet/pc/phone 

- Kstars on a PC (win /mac/ linux) with indiserver on RPI/or an old PC running linux

If you are going down RPi route then you have a few options there - install your own (if you are techie)/ astroberry/ Stellarmate.

So take your pick 🙂

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On 23/10/2022 at 18:56, Elp said:

You are however tied

Agreed. We have visitors bringing all manner of cameras.

On 23/10/2022 at 17:46, nutter241 said:

Kstars and the Ekos Indi system

It's the only way we've found to host client-server reliably. .For free. All night, every night.
I doubt whether you'll find a Pi though ATM,. instead we use mini pcs running Ubuntu  at the telescopes. These are faster and significantly cheaper than both Pis and Airs.

Otherwise, just go with your laptop.

Here's an example under it's high-tech vegetable rack dew shield. 5GHz wffi to the router. Then wherever you like.

Cheers and HTH


Edited by alacant
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