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Solar hood or Solar shield


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I'm thinking of ditching the "coat over the head" method of solar observing and buying (or crafting) some specific equipment to keep myself in shade. There seem to be two options, either a cover that goes over me and the telescope like this: https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/telegizmos-solar-observing-hood.html, or a shield that attaches to the telescope, or eyepiece as in this example: https://astrospares.co.uk/products/baader-solarprotection-shield 

Of course, these things are all pretty simple, so I'd consider a DIY option, but it would need to be more sophisticated than hiding under my coat! NB I have both white light and Ha working in parallel (on a Sky-Tee), so I'll probably need any "shield" option to be x 2.

Has anyone got experience of either or both designs, and if so, which do you think is the better option?

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Anything that keeps ambient daylight away from the eyepiece is an improvement.  My 150mm Ha telescope is in its own observatory so I arrange the opening slit position to shade the binoviewer eyepieces.  Other than that, I use a 1m square piece of black opaque material to cover my head and eyepieces.    🙂  

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I too turn the dome/slit to shield my face when I am solar imaging and observing.
I always wear a dark green "baseball cap" when I am imaging.
It shields my face when I move into the sunlight.

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Thanks to you both - I think a dome might be a bit beyond me, but I'll continue to ponder. A hood seems to me the best way of reducing peripheral distractions, but I also thibk i won't like the mild claustrophobia of a hood, so quite like the freedom of a shield. I suppose I'll just get one option and either love it or hate it....!

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I use the cover for the scope. It's actually a cheap thin BBQ cover which is black on the outside and white on the inside. For solar observing I turn it inside out and drape it over the back end of the scope. The only slight disadvantage is that it gets a bit stuffy inside after a time as the material is not breathable.


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7 hours ago, Giles_B said:

I'm thinking of ditching the "coat over the head" method of solar observing and buying (or crafting) some specific equipment to keep myself in shade. There seem to be two options, either a cover that goes over me and the telescope like this: https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/telegizmos-solar-observing-hood.html, or a shield that attaches to the telescope, or eyepiece as in this example: https://astrospares.co.uk/products/baader-solarprotection-shield 

Of course, these things are all pretty simple, so I'd consider a DIY option, but it would need to be more sophisticated than hiding under my coat! NB I have both white light and Ha working in parallel (on a Sky-Tee), so I'll probably need any "shield" option to be x 2.

Has anyone got experience of either or both designs, and if so, which do you think is the better option?

@Franklin has one for sale in the classifieds.

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Not cheap but has multiple uses. 

I just use a gazebo but wish it had a side panel like this. Mines also too big for one person these are pop up. kind of. 



Edited by StarryEyed
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I am mainly an imager.

I have a telegizmo solar hood and use  it with an Ikea folding A4 file box that just fits the 17" monitor I use,but that does get annoying to use when its windy. The umpires hat is also fairly widely deployed.




We once modified a baseball cap with an enlarged  peak but i have not seen that for ages, must get another as I foiund it useful as well.


I guess the ultimate was running the kit over anydesk from inside with the aircon unit at the side of me in the heat wave earlier this year.


Do not forget the factor 50 as well.

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