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Mars (18/10/2022)


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Just one imaging run for Mars, as after trying for half an hour it was getting too frustrating 😆 Not familiar with Mars’ features yet, but I believe I’ve got Syrtis major planum and a small dark patch above it. Is that Antapes Colles? 

8” dob (manual), asi462. 


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Nice Mars image. Syrtis Major is the dark triangular region on the right, which extends towards Sinus Sabaeus and possibly Sinus Meridiani on the left. The bright orange circular region in the south is the huge impact crater Hellas Planitia.

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1 minute ago, geoflewis said:

Nice Mars image. Syrtis Major is the dark triangular region on the right, which extends towards Sinus Sabaeus and possibly Sinus Meridiani on the left. The bright orange circular region in the south is the huge impact crater Hellas Planitia.

Lovely information, thanks!

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