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Filling the pier air gap with expanding foam?


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My observatory keeps everything dry, but it breathes through various gaps. Probable futile but in an effort to keep the spider population below six figures, has anyone experience with filling the air gap around the pier with expanding foam? Or will this defeat the object and transfer vibrations?  Opinions and advice very welcome, thank you.


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I think trying to create a physical barrier to spiders is probably a lost cause 😞 

I spray the inside of mine with Peppermint oil at the start of the season and rarely see a spider.

A dozen drops in a spray bottle of water is all you need. Waft it all over the walls and floors.

It smells lovely too 😉 

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Spray foam is rigid. Not what you want at all. Soft sponge foam is less vibration conducting over small areas.
Make that area large enough and the foam becomes essentially rigid.
The pressure per square unit is not high enough to cause deflection. 

Spiders must like observatories.
After a week of cloudy weather mine had webs spanning the depth and breadth of the 10' Ø dome.
I almost felt sorry for them when I slewed the telescope and broke all their hard work.


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All those shapes, angles and projections must be irresistible to an enterprising arachnid. I do feel sorry for them, given how frequently their handiwork is removed and also the limited food supply available to them.

I found one had set up home in the unused ST-4 guide port of the Sitech controller.🕸🕷

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