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How to remote desktop without Internet?

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My telescope rig is connected to an Intel NUC and then I remotely control it with my laptop from my living room,  everything is connected to my home Internet. 

But if I go out in the field how is it possible to remotely control my telescope without having internet? 

What do I have to buy? 


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You need something to create a dummy wifi network that you can connect to with another device.

Something like this will work: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/GL-iNet-GL-MT300N-V2-300Mbit-Repeater-Extender/dp/B073TSK26W/ref=sr_1_6?crid=85CR255JTJF7&keywords=mini+router&qid=1661460350&sprefix=mini+route%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-6

Its a mini router that connects to an ethernet port in your mini-pc and a USB port for power. You can set this up so that it always creates its own wifi network (without internet) when the mini-pc is powered on. Then you connect to that dummy wifi network with either your laptop, or a smart device. I use an android tablet and use RDP app with that to connect to my mini-pc out in the field.

The range is pretty bad in this particular model (in the link) so i am not sure if another product would be better. But this one has trouble keeping up a connection if the distance is longer than maybe 5 and there are any obstacles in the way, like a car door that is shut.

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If the NUC and laptop have a physical ethernet socket then a standard network cable between the two and manually setting the IP address at each end would allow you to connect directly. No extra devices or power requirements. So if you set the laptop to be say, mask, no gateway or DNS and then the NUC to be say same mask etc., then on the laptop you'd connect to the NUC address (rdp and away you go.

Edited by DaveL59
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49 minutes ago, Nikolas74 said:


My telescope rig is connected to an Intel NUC and then I remotely control it with my laptop from my living room,  everything is connected to my home Internet. 

But if I go out in the field how is it possible to remotely control my telescope without having internet? 

What do I have to buy? 


Most operating systems allow for creating their own wifi network.

Which OS are you using on your laptop?

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Using one of the PCs to set up a local wifi lan is probably the easiest method, but if your remote site in an area with mobile phone data you could connect to the internet using your phone's data and hotspot capability to make remote desktop access to manage the NUC that way.

Edited by Gfamily
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2 hours ago, Nikolas74 said:


My telescope rig is connected to an Intel NUC and then I remotely control it with my laptop from my living room,  everything is connected to my home Internet. 

But if I go out in the field how is it possible to remotely control my telescope without having internet? 

What do I have to buy? 


Have a look here, if you use windows 10…👍🏻

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Thank you so much all for your answers , tomorrow that I have day off I will try your suggestions....

I don't know how is the range of these small WiFi routers if you are between obstacles like walls .....

Thank you so much.




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