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Wolf Rayet 134 in Ha OIII and RGB

peter shah

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WR134 a Wolf Rayet star in Cygnus, imaged remotely from Spain with the 17in Planewave at f/6.8, FLI16803 CCD camera. 1hour each for the RGB 300s sub exposures, 2hours in H-alpha 600s sub exposures and nearly 12hrs of OIII all 600s sub exposures. Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop.
Thanks for looking
Peter Shah


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28 minutes ago, Fegato said:

Great detail - wonderful!  I've picked this up in a wide field view around the Crescent Nebula, but didn't realise it had the circular detail.

Thank you Robin, yes its not far away from the Crescent, its most commonly seen as an arch and takes quite a bit to pull out the full extension of the shell .

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