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Jupiter 22nd June

neil phillips

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Not sure whats going on with the weather second day in a row no wind with dew ( often a good sign ) Jet stream shows not over my location. high pressure But Saturn was worse than the 21st. 

When will good seeing occur again ? 

Anyway got some detail out of Jupiter at the end of the session. Not quite as detailed as the 21st. But still some detail is coming out through the murk. The moon is Callisto

Orion 245mm Newtonian QHY 462C Camera UV IR Cut. EQ5 PRO 

22nd june.png g.png less.png

Edited by neil phillips
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Another great effort despite the conditions. My feeling is that the atmosphere is having too much moisture rather than jetsam effect, i may be wrong. I think the hot day followed by cool nights is not helping, we are having huge temperature variation at the moment. . When I was up at 6 this morning i could see the grass soaking wet and as it was warming up haze was developing.

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2 minutes ago, Kon said:

Another great effort despite the conditions. My feeling is that the atmosphere is having too much moisture rather than jetsam effect, i may be wrong. I think the hot day followed by cool nights is not helping, we are having huge temperature variation at the moment. . When I was up at 6 this morning i could see the grass soaking wet and as it was warming up haze was developing.

Its odd. Normally moisture in the air (mist) most often calms the seeing. The hot day followed by cool nights is likely more damaging. Either local or UK wide ? i feel we are seeing some kind of a jet stream. despite the jet stream map showing otherwise ?


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Another nice capture Neil. The practice you are getting right now in poor conditions is definetly going to pay dividends when you do get that elusive window. I did'nt have the due problem up here in the midlands but it looked like the jet stream to me was playing havoc with my imaging runs. just going through the data now.

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7 minutes ago, PeterStudz said:

Could it be anything to do with dust from the Sahara? My car was covered in it after some showers on Sunday. 

Not sure Peter ? haven't heard of that making, what looks like a jet stream. I am unsure what dust would do though ?

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26 minutes ago, morimarty said:

Another nice capture Neil. The practice you are getting right now in poor conditions is definetly going to pay dividends when you do get that elusive window. I did'nt have the due problem up here in the midlands but it looked like the jet stream to me was playing havoc with my imaging runs. just going through the data now.

The practice helps doesn't it Martyn. Just recently tried to reset the backlash on the SW EQ5. Once it starts loosening. The big Orion kills it. And i get way too much wobble. Any wind even the slightest and it jolts around bad. Its a big weak link tbh. Aint got the bucks for a EQ6 at the mo.  Just have to hope for plenty of windless nights  Saturn for me was slightly worse than the 21st. Will look out for any posts if you upload any

example pipp ser file 300 frames


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9 minutes ago, russ said:

That's another super image Neil. So much detail. The visual view from Southampton was pretty poor this morning.

Yes it wasnt great out there. When jupiter is at 39 degrees ( not too long now )  its going to get a lot better Russ 

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1 hour ago, maw lod qan said:

I can't see anything close to this yet visually here in Central Florida.

I'm certain it will get better as Jupiter climbs higher and is viewable earlier in the morning.

We have had a lot of milky skys.

Yes its going to get a lot better quite soon

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59 minutes ago, Kon said:

Another great effort despite the conditions. My feeling is that the atmosphere is having too much moisture rather than jetsam effect, i may be wrong. I think the hot day followed by cool nights is not helping, we are having huge temperature variation at the moment. . When I was up at 6 this morning i could see the grass soaking wet and as it was warming up haze was developing.

Moisture in the air, as in mist. Usually helps seeing. Possibly not always ? Still think i am seeing some kind of jet stream despite the map showing not over Suffolk.


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Your Saturn capture looks very simular to what I was getting Neil. Regarding your mount the big newts moment will take it out on a Eq5. I use a Neq6 and when I used my 250pds I was forever having to keep tweeking and fine tuning it. I did eventually do a belt conversion mod to it which definitely improved the mounts tracking and was alot quieter in use. I do hope you can sort out the Eq5 as you dont want that bouncing about as if having to deal with uk seeing Is'nt hard enough!

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1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

Not sure Peter ? haven't heard of that making, what looks like a jet stream. I am unsure what dust would do though ?

Whatever the reasons my feeling is it won’t change until the weather changes. That could be in as little as tomorrow evening or the day after. Showers and  Thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow. 

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2 hours ago, morimarty said:

Your Saturn capture looks very simular to what I was getting Neil. Regarding your mount the big newts moment will take it out on a Eq5. I use a Neq6 and when I used my 250pds I was forever having to keep tweeking and fine tuning it. I did eventually do a belt conversion mod to it which definitely improved the mounts tracking and was alot quieter in use. I do hope you can sort out the Eq5 as you dont want that bouncing about as if having to deal with uk seeing Is'nt hard enough!

Its UK wide then not local seeing. Mount seems ok bit tight and jerky. Better then loose. My Newt optics are getting a bit dirty. Decisions ?


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2 hours ago, PeterStudz said:

Whatever the reasons my feeling is it won’t change until the weather changes. That could be in as little as tomorrow evening or the day after. Showers and  Thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow. 

True its just all the indicators have been good seeing. And it isn't. what do we wait for now bad seeing indicators lol. You get the point. Its hard to predict. Often I can. But lately not so much. 

Back to old school looking at how much stars are twinkling i think

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1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

True its just all the indicators have been good seeing. And it isn't. what do we wait for now bad seeing indicators lol. You get the point. Its hard to predict. Often I can. But lately not so much. 

Back to old school looking at how much stars are twinkling i think

I’ve only been into astronomy for about 18 months. But seeing & transparency are weather related. And I’ve been into weather related sports/hobbies for around 45 yrs - areomodelling (mostly gliders), windsurfing, skiing plus I was sailplane and paraglider pilot for around 15 yrs - one thing I have learnt over those years is that no-one has been able to reliably predict or explain the weather 100% of the time. In fact no where near 100% of the time. 75% of the time is pushing it!

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5 minutes ago, PeterStudz said:

I’ve only been into astronomy for about 18 months. But seeing & transparency are weather related. And I’ve been into weather related sports/hobbies for around 45 yrs - areomodelling (mostly gliders), windsurfing, skiing plus I was sailplane and paraglider pilot for around 15 yrs - one thing I have learnt over those years is that no-one has been able to reliably predict or explain the weather 100% of the time. In fact no where near 100% of the time. 75% of the time is pushing it!

No i am with you on that. My recent experiences have shown how unreliable indicators can be. I have had many times when its been spot on. But lately off by miles. So i dont doubt your assertions at all. But still rather annoying as we rely on it so much. in my case it takes a good hour lugging big and heavy equipment into the garden. polar aligning. collimating primary. balancing scope. Checking ADC orientation. running a scope fan 30 mins setting up power and drives. Its a pain when your hoping for seeing to justify the effort. 

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