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My first ever astro image.

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Hi All... I'm slightly nervous about this.  As the title of the thread suggests, this is the first astro image I've ever shared. I'm hoping to try my hand at some deep sky imaging ultimately, but am currently in the research phase of that and the inevitable tying myself up in knots trying to decide what starter kit to invest in.  So as things stand, I've got my old Galaxy S8 smartphone and my 8" dob at my disposal. 

Anyway, my debut image is the phone through a BST starguider eyepiece at the terminator of the moon on 11/06/22.  I've done a small amount of processing using the stock Samsung photo editing app and on snapseed just to try and get some contrast between the light and dark areas on the surface and to sharpen it up slightly. I'm thinking it may have come out a bit too 'white' but happy to hear what you good people think. 




Edited by lankywolf
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I think it's a great shot! I guess that if you reduce the exposure it will improve the contrast and stabilize the image. You have to keep testing, but considering the resources, it's very good. Congratulations!

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