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Spring Albireo!

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An astronomer friend made me aware of a spring time Albireo in the constellation of Coma Berenices, 24 Comae Berenices (Struve 1657) to be exact.  It is approximately halfway between Denebola and Arcturus, just beneath Berenice's Hair.  I pulled out my 127mm Mak and gave it a look and was pleasantly surprised!  It is a beautiful blue-gold double, smaller and less bright than Albireo, but nonetheless striking.  It is a variable physical double of spectral types K0 and A3 with magnitudes of 5.2 and 6.7 respectively. It is actually a triple star system about 300 light-years away:



I made a composite of the blue/gold doubles I've imaged over the years, including Albireo, at the original image sizes to compare apparent star scales and distances between the stars:


If you haven't already, check out 24 Comae Berenices; it's worth a look!

Clear skies!


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This is an excellent summary. Thankyou.    

Coloured doubles are a worthy challenge for imagers with long focal length rigs and non-narrow band cameras.   ( Always good to have targets for those Moon illuminated nights).

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On 29/04/2022 at 05:05, Craney said:

This is an excellent summary. Thankyou.    

Coloured doubles are a worthy challenge for imagers with long focal length rigs and non-narrow band cameras.   ( Always good to have targets for those Moon illuminated nights).

You're very welcome, Craney! Thanks for looking :) 

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On 07/05/2022 at 04:44, Gogleddgazer said:

Great description and now added to my list of things to hunt down. The composite is a really good way to communicate the relative scales of these doubles. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.


You're welcome, J! Have fun hunting down the Spring Albireo :) 


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