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neil phillips

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3 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

That is a serious amount of data, you are going need a bigger hard drive 🙂 

I think its too much. this works better on single spots cropped. large areas and it becomes troublesome. I am going to cap it to no more than 50.000 for larger areas. single spots might be ok. Spend more time moving it around PIPP than actually processing in AS/3. Not sure the The oversampling is pulling any more out TBH. Will keep experimenting. 

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1 hour ago, Elp said:

Nice images. Don't think you have to capture so many frames though, I normally stick to 500-1000 per shoot, assuming there's no cloud.

At the focal length i am at 500 to 1000 wouldnt even begin to get the clear moments needed to get a sharp stack on white light. Maybe at a low focal perhaps but not at 1200 and 2400 mm focal length.  Fairly large captures are actually needed to weed out a lot of sharp frames. A lot of the captures is going in and out of focus. And you are trying to get the in focus moments. in sufficient quantity to do a large stack. i am shooting at 125 frames per second 4 seconds and the capture would be over. Its not enough by a long shot.  50.000 is useful i think

Edited by neil phillips
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Just now, Freddie said:


How many of that lot are you stacking for the final image?

Hi Freddie 100.000 captures is overboard. 10.000 is safe ground for capturing at this focal length. But the seeing is coming and going a lot, i can get 30 seconds where its complete blur. Then 10 seconds where it goes sharp. So capturing for longer actually increases the chance i will get a good period of calm. Thats the logic. And it seems to be working. I am stacking between 400 and around 1000 frames depending. BTW Good to see you on here. Hope everything is good. 

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