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Hi all,

I am using, though not so frequently, FireCapture to capture planetary/moon frames for subsequent processing with Registax6. My equipment is Meade 7"ED refractor 1600mm focal length  on Losmandy Gemini II mount (manual), TIS DMK21AU618 mono videocam, and Baader RGB dielectric filters. Since about one year, I find streaks in the final processed images, similar to a moving picture, but not so well defined. I don't find anything similar in Jupiter and Saturn images. Nothing similar appears in galaxy images I shoot more frequently with different capture devices/software. I have tried to change several Registax parameters in the Align step, without success. I also tried not to align frames at all with Registax, by straightforward stacking frames taken with the Firecapture autoalign tool on, but didn't succeed in eliminating streaks. This told me that streaking is not Registax fault, but Firecapture's. So, at first, I resorted to set back to default all Firecapture settings to cancel out some wrong input I may have set erroneously and saved.

The first option I got was "Updating Firecapture to last version": my version is 2.6.08 and the latest available update is 2.7.09! In addition, the system cracks as soon as I click "Download"!

Does anyone have any idea whetherFirecapture ceased in the last many years? Or if the software was  completely changed? Where else it can be found?

I would also welcome suggestions of different and up to date software for planetary capture, suitable for TIS DMK21AUMoon_220316_201509_18_R.bmp618......maybe it's time to change...

Thank you.



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