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Veil Nebula


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This is appearing for me at about 01:00 so I had about three hours before dawn last night although I binned the first 1.5 hours as it was far too low so I just kept the later frames.

32 x 180 seconds with the L-eXtreme. For the PI users this has ABE and PCC with an STF applied as HT. I'll be trying to get more data as and when I can for this one....


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Thanks both. It was a tad low to start with and the difference in star numbers for example between the first 20 frames and the last 20 was huge. I did actually think the background was a bit too light but I've not tried to do anything with it yet given I've only a handful of frames so far. Having said that I don't know if it's my stretching knowledge (lack of) or not but my images always look a bit washed out compared with most I see so I always think I'm doing something wrong anyway....

I set up last night to capture a few hours of LDN1235 and then to move on to the Veil at 01:00 again but it looks like everything stopped at 00:15. I even thought I'd been clever imaging for x hours rather until a specific time to avoid any clock change issue but looks like something else got me. It shouldn't be updates as they're configured for daytime but I'll check it out later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cloudy Outside forecast 100% cloud last night so I ignored it and managed to get another couple of hours to add to this..... I'm hoping there's a positive difference, but I just stacked the additional frames, STF and PCC.


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Amazing first capture for only 1.6 hours of integration. Definitely better details with the additional data. 

I don't have an L-eXtreme, but I have a L-eNhance and I must say that these filters are awesome!

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1 hour ago, juno16 said:

Amazing first capture for only 1.6 hours of integration. Definitely better details with the additional data. 

I don't have an L-eXtreme, but I have a L-eNhance and I must say that these filters are awesome!

Glad you think there's more detail as I keep spinning between the two and thinking the latter is brighter but more blurred rather than more detailed, I just cannot decide. I even thought about about manually culling the files and picking the best from the two nights to see what that looks like.

Oh and yep I quite like the l-extreme... My wife has bought me a mono camera for my 60th but it's not until August lol so I've decided the Veil is a mini project until then so I'll keep adding to it as and when I can. I will then try it in mono and do a comparison, even if only for my eyes....

Edited by scotty38
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