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Early start, beautiful morning


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Once a week, now that things are opening up more, I head up to work from the South West to north Kent, starting out at about 4.30am. Whilst this can be a bit of a challenge 😴, it does occasionally have its rewards and today was one of those days.

When I stepped out of the back door, I was greeted by a beautiful, pale orange waning gibbous Moon hanging in the sky, with very clear detail visible even with the naked eye. The dawn chorus was in full swing down in the field below our garden, and I spent a few minutes soaking it up while looking around and enjoying a very different view of the constellations than the current evening sky. Hercules was high overhead and even Cygnus and Lyra were well positioned; I really must do an early morning session before the nights get too short.

Heading off to the east up the A303, the Moon was a constant companion to the south, and Venus got higher as the journey progressed. I last saw it at around 6am.

Finally, I guess around 6.30 ish, I caught sight of the rising Sun above the horizon. It was a perfect deep orange ball against the sky, dim enough to look at and very beautiful.

Overall, a welcome distraction on my two and three quarter hour journey into work. I may well be cursing the Sun on my journey west tonight, staring into it as it sets but I’ll try not to let me forget how nice it was this morning! 🤪

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Nice, Stu, but I hope you're not paying for the petrol!

I often consider getting up early for the same reason, but there's no way. I'm like a zombie until I've had at least two cups of coffee....staying up till 2am doesn't bother me, though.

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Early mornings are lovely , i go for a 2 mile walk every morning at about 5am ... whilst its now getting light at that time its still the best ime to be out and about . The moon is a wonderful sight at the moment , and whilst most of the stars are rapidly disapearing in the early morning light , Venus is still shining brightly . Mind you i am looking forward to the planets once again appearing in the evening sky . 

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13 minutes ago, cajen2 said:

Nice, Stu, but I hope you're not paying for the petrol!

I often consider getting up early for the same reason, but there's no way. I'm like a zombie until I've had at least two cups of coffee....staying up till 2am doesn't bother me, though.

Afraid so, but at least it’s diesel, 700 ish miles to a tank, even though that’s about £90 these days!!! 😱😱😱

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3 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Early mornings are lovely , i go for a 2 mile walk every morning at about 5am ... whilst its now getting light at that time its still the best ime to be out and about . The moon is a wonderful sight at the moment , and whilst most of the stars are rapidly disapearing in the early morning light , Venus is still shining brightly . Mind you i am looking forward to the planets once again appearing in the evening sky . 

I used to do that but fell out of the habit. Must start again, it is a great time to be up and about.

Yep, looking forward to some planets to view too 👍

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27 minutes ago, Stu said:

I used to do that but fell out of the habit. Must start again, it is a great time to be up and about.

Yep, looking forward to some planets to view too 👍

0330-0400 to sunrise is my favorite time of day.  Magical time.  Quiet, nobody about, birds are starting to sing, and most neighbors' outdoor lights are off.  Indoor lights too - it seems few people believe in window shades / blinds / curtains around here.  And observing winter objects like Auriga in  September / October beats the heck out of trying to observe in subfreezing temps...

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Sounds like a beautiful morning, sometimes when I'm up that early I am greeted with similar sights on brisk mornings. Those instances are so quiet,  I get a feeling like I'm the only one in the world looking up at that moment.

Edited by Sunshine
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I too wake up early, leave the house at 4am for my 72 mile drive, also to North Kent. If I decide to fo astronomy on a school night, I'll just get up at 2-2:30. Not only is it quiet, most street lights are off, and the seeing is often much better.

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5 minutes ago, Roy Challen said:

I too wake up early, leave the house at 4am for my 72 mile drive, also to North Kent. If I decide to fo astronomy on a school night, I'll just get up at 2-2:30. Not only is it quiet, most street lights are off, and the seeing is often much better.

The seeing did seem very steady based on the clarity of the Moon.

Home now, I was treated to an equally beautiful sunset heading West this evening. I think the haze and pollution in the atmosphere was cutting back the brightness so, like this morning, it was a perfect orange ball sitting just above the horizon.

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I really like seeing the Sun and the Moon as they are rising or setting as it gives, to me at least, a true sense of the 3 dimensional place of our planet in space. Maybe it is because the view is so close to the earthly horizon, giving reference but it is an amazing sight and always makes me feel like, Yes, I am stood on a planet orbiting a star or being orbited by a satelite.

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Great story Stu👍

Took me back to my working life involving driving all over the UK for over 35 years til I retired in July 2019..can't believe it's been almost 3 years since I worked!

Early morning, late evening in spring and summer certainly provided a different and peaceful perspective on our environment.

I recently saw the moon rising in the east, circa 8pm, very low and looking huge, just hanging there, across the south Lincs fens..it really did feel more like our planets' twin, rather than its' satellite.

Hope you had a good trip home..if it makes you feel better, my car (petrol SUV) now costs £95 to fill up, with a maximum range of 550 miles..😱😭🤦..


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