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Venus 21st March

neil phillips

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Wont be long now i don't think until conditions with Venus make it too difficult. Its already hard. But becoming increasingly harder rising into a brighter sky as the sun rises earlier behind Venus. 

It really reduces contrast. No wonder the W47+BG39 is hardly showing anything. its a low contrast filter combination as is. But with the contrast washout of imaging with the sun truly above the horizon. It further reduces any faint cloud the Filter system is capable of detecting. Though on this occasion i can say it has detected some very faint cloud. Though not easy to see. Clearly the Bessel U photometric is doing a lot better. Thanks goes to Christophe Pellier For helping me decide the best filter. Based on budget, equipment and performance

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venus 21st march 2022.png SGL.png done.png 90 now 2.png


Edited by neil phillips
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32 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

An impressive amount of cloud detail here, great work!

Feels like i am going in the right direction. Been trying hard to get something out of this years low Venus. The light levels with a UV filter are really bad. Its a real juggle of settings to get anything i am finding. The signal is barely above the bright sky background. Its making me work for it. 


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35 minutes ago, morimarty said:

Another excellent capture Neil the full size image is showing some wonderful cloud detail. I bet the Bessel U photometric filter felt like a magic wand when you first saw what it is capable of🙂

Yes its clearly a good alternative. The transmission only peaks around the 60% mark against Astrodons U Venus which is 90% plus. However testing by C Pellier showed in usage it appeared to match or even surpass The Astrodon U giving a slightly brighter image. He concluded it was due to its redder passband between the 380 and 410nm wavelength. 

I've had the Astrodon U venus Filter. And Schuler.  I found both were excellent, The Bessel U Seems to perform to a similar standard. Most dedicated UV filters have that magic wand. They are most certainly a gateway to Venus UV cloud imaging.

Cheers Martyn

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19 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Your best images yet i think Neil, just had a look at Venus this morning 🙂  Very bright sky already, Venus was not very high at all

Cheers Pete. I think i got lucky just before it was too late. Venus is now getting hard to see at my location. By the time it clears the roof. Its already washed out. It pulls away from the sun slightly around summertime. But not by much. Maybe just enough to try a couple of daylight captures again. But i think until later. its over for me here. 

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17 hours ago, si@nite said:

I agree some lovely cloud detail visible, well done Neil keep up the good work!

Hi Simon. Probably the most difficult time ive tried to capture UV cloud on Venus. Was good to image it again though. Its been quite sometime

Many thanks

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