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Double Cluster in Perseus sketch - NGC 869 & 884


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Hi All,

Continuing my slow progress through project Perseus, I thought I'd give this beautiful object a go! It's very much one of my favourites.

I decided to use my small scope, the Megrez 72 so that I could get the widest field, but I upped the magnification so that I could get better separation of the stars within the clusters. This took me two observing sessions and about 2 hours to get all the field stars in the correct (?) places.:)

I'm quite pleased with it....What do you think?

Dates: 13th and 21st Feb 2009

Times ~ 22.00 UT

Inst: WO Megrez 72

EP: 8mm

Mag: x58

FOV ~ 45'

Seeing ~ II

Filter: none

I've included both natural and inverted images....I personally prefer the inverted one!

Cheers for looking.




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That is really quite extraordinary!! I didn't think it possible to recreate the majesty of this fantastic cluster pairing as perceived in the eyepiece, even with photographs, but this - a hand-made drawing - is quite successful!! :)

Just incredible!


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I am amazed at the sketch it certainly captures the visual mood of the double cluster - no wonder it took you several hours. I have deliberately avoided sketching the DC as it is such a detailed and complex starfield so hats off to you, Stef.


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Incredible what you have achieved there. Not the best subject to try and sketch, you set yourself a task and a half.

You have succeeded and some. Well done mate. They ought to introduce a sketch of the year award. A year, because there aren't the abundance of them in a week I don't think.

Wonderful job.


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