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March 5, 11% Waxing at Sunset


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Seeing horrible actually.....   but result not bad from my first clip.   I expected seeing to get better after sunset....  but was the opposite.   Had a great evening under the stars with my 6yo.  :)



Was my first night taking Zachary out with me (we usually just set up in driveway).   Was a success.   Zachary LOVED panning around the sky with the 102ED and a widefield 34mm while I imaged,  and we both looked around after.




Clear Skies!!



Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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I think that is a fabulous image. The moon was fascinating last night though I only had half an hour.

Brilliant to get an evening like that with Zachary. Those sort of times live with you forever!


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20 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Lovely catch, looks an excellent spot for a night under the stars.

Thanks Pete!   It WAS an excellent spot.....  sadly what a friend told me proved to be true.    Not far from me, one of the previously darkish municipal buildings has a horendous bright light on.....  knocks out half the sky, and even lights up the top of a ridge of trees about 100 yards away.   Still darker than my driveway, but I must hunt out a new spot now.    This place was a known "dark" site for many astro enthusiasts.  It is possible that it will be fixed....  I am sure that there are requests in about it.    We could still see a lot though....  and it was still great.

17 hours ago, MalcolmM said:

I think that is a fabulous image. The moon was fascinating last night though I only had half an hour.

Brilliant to get an evening like that with Zachary. Those sort of times live with you forever!


Thanks Malcom!   It was the first of many nights out with my little guy I expect.  :)))))


Clear skies!



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12 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Nice capture Mike. sounds like you had a great time out there.. Lovely pic of the location too. The Equipment and that dusky sky look fabulous together

Thanks Neil!!  Was a fun night.  Hoping for some good imaging this week.....  but forecast not good.  Go figure.  lol



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On 07/03/2022 at 23:25, Mr Spock said:

Lovely image. The location looks perfect. I imagine dew/frost are a problem though.

Thanks Michael!   My 102 dewed as I was packing up, but my 140 and 200 stayed clear - I am sure they would have got it, but having my 6yo made an early end to the evening.


On 08/03/2022 at 02:41, morimarty said:

Thats a very nice capture considering the seeing wasn't to good. The location looks to be perfect even though you had to contend with that bright light. I bet you and your 6yo had a great time.

Thanks morimarty!   Yes, it was a fantastic time for us - to be repeated.  :)))))



Clear skies



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