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Nexstar se or evolution 8

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Hi all, reading the forum I think I'm in a place most newbies are or have been. Got the bug with my 130p a few years ago, now I want to upgrade. I will be visual, mainly from home (Bath, not great for light pollution) but want to visit a couple of dark sky sites - South Wales and Exmoor are in easy reach. I've been bouncing around just about every retailer and review site (some great stuff on here) to soak up info.

I think the best starting point for me, with potential to add as funds allow, is going to be a nexstar se or evo 8 - probably the evo for the tripod and battery. I think they are right for me because of the balance of goto convenience, portability, reliability and size.

I'm in no rush (just as well - I'm still saving and nobody has stock!), but would welcome advice from anyone who has been in a similar position and has owned/used either. This is likely to be my last scope.



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The main reason for choosing the Evo 8 over the C8 SE is that the Evo has a better quality mount. The tripod is different but may not be much stiffer than that of the C8 SE (it looks much the same in photos).   It has WiFi, and yes there is a battery, but it's rather small and uses the kind of chemistry found in laptop batteries.  Some Celestrons have the heavy duty tripod ( distinguished by a large cast aluminium eyepiece tray and separate spreader) which is far more substantial (and quite heavy).

46 minutes ago, DavieH said:

This is likely to be my last scope.

Dangerous words...

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Thanks for the replies. I hear what you say and appreciate you both have far more experience than me, my worry is that a heavier duty tripod\cpc would be harder to move around and mean I would use it less (because I'm lazy!). Is there much difference in weight? Also, I need a set up that will break down reasonably easy as storage is part of the deal, or more accurately the negotiations, at home!

thanks for pointing out my naivety Cosmic - I didn't believe a word of it as I was typing - "last scope" my @#$&!!

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Hi John, I know - I'm kidding myself!!

actually I had looked at the 6 se because the user reviews I've seen are good, and it seems easy to handle. Plus there are a few used ones about. However, I am worried the 6 isn't going to be much of a step up from my 130p and as I am visual only I really want to "see" a difference. 

Don't suppose you or anyone else out there has either owned both or done a side-by-side of a 130 Newt and a 6" sct?

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The CPC/heavy duty tripod is a lot heavier but very rigid. Celestron supply it with a 11" SCT.

The C8 SE tripod+ mount is not bad so long as you use it for visual in a sheltered location with the legs retracted to minimum length.  The tripod itself is vey light.  On the plus side, you can leave the whole outfit assembled for storage and carry it through a domestic doorway.  For transportation, the mount/OTA comes off the tripod easily but if you split the OTA and mount (by slackening one clamp knob) you have the problem of holding a fat OTA that has no grab handle and needs two hands to hold it securely...   

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l have the CPC800 and the Nexstar 6SE. Love them both but find the CPC800 is getting a tad heavy for me to set up l'm 65 and have a few age related problems (knees and back) whereas the 6SE is a doddle. Both have very good optics and the GOTO is really good. Once my Obsy is built l will leave the CPC set up but the 6SE is ideal to transport to dark sites.

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Thanks Cosmic and Stevie. Now I'm leaning back towards the 6se! Reason I was favouring the 8 is a couple of threads have had seen had comments from 6 owners who have either wished they had gone for the 8 or moved on to it fairly quickly. I'm still fooling myself that this is my last scope (maybe I should change "last" to "next"...) but the reality is whichever route i go I won't have the funds to buy the next one (there, I've said it - my name is Dave and I'm an addict...) for a good few years.

Think I may have to resort to flipping a coin!

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9 minutes ago, johninderby said:

If you get the 6SE now then you could get a 12” dob later on. 😁

Now there's a thought, and if I tidied the shed I wouldn't have to have the "where's that going to go" discussion/argument...

Stoppit - you're really not helping John!

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You're right John, it is - even caught myself thinking I could make a case for a 6 and an 8 (or maybe a 9.25!) Then I remembered my lotto numbers didn't actually come up...

So, back to Plan A(ish).  The 6SE is now in the mix, but I really don't want to make the mistake of being hasty. I got a bit carried away and lost track of why  I posted the thread - has anyone had the chance to view through both a 130 reflector (what I have now) and a 6" act in the same session? If so, is there a significant difference in pure viewing or do I need to go for the 8" to get my fix?


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I had a nexstar 6se and it was a great scope.

I have recently bought a 8se and I love it.

Aperture wise clearly the 8 has its advantages. But in general,  both are quick and easy to set up. Goto is easy to use and increases viewing time  optics are great. Over time upgrades are straightforward. Finderscopr/ diagonal. Just need to bear in mind humidity and invest in some dew bands. I highly recommend dewcontrol.com great products and service, and in stock.... 

Hope that helps. 

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I had an C6 Evolution. Loved the mount, never really warmed to the C6, as it wasn’t enough of an upgrade to my previous Maksutov. So I sold the C6 OTA and replaced it with a C8 - which I much preferred. That extra aperture makes a real difference on deep sky objects, and resolves more detail on planets. And the relatively light C8 sits happily on the standard Evolution mount. I didn’t feel the need to get the heavier tripod at all. 

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Thanks everyone, those responses were really helpful.   I think it has to be an 8, in an ideal world would be an evo but I don't think I've ever seen a used one come up (probably the best indicator of how good they are!) but I've seen one of two 8SE almost in reach so can't wait!

Better start working on a convincing reply to the "where did that big orange telescope come from" question...

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, I've done it. Found a used evo 8 (budget completely blown) and managed a couple of hours on the moon and practicing using the goto set up. Now I'm thinking about eyepieces...

I have a very limited collection, my only non-standard eyepiece is a Celestrion Omni 12mm  and the omni Barlow so really starting from scratch. Budget is going to be very limited for a while. I am only visual and will never get bored of Saturn and Jupiter, but want to  try out more dso  to make the most of the scope. I was thinking a BST 8mm for planetary, and something less powerful/wider for dso as a starting point but open to all and any advice

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  • 2 months later...

Just reading this thread with personal interest as i will be buying a nexstar 8se ( and actually getting an evolution 8hd mount , tomorrow ) . It looks like a great choice of scope and an even better choice of mount as the evo mount has built in power and wifi. As for EPs @DavieH you might want to consider the SvBony range which are really good for the price . 


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