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Medium Moon mosaic 5th March.


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I managed to get some un-hurried time out with the scope on Thursday, which was great.

Time to take care over focusing, try a few other settings out. Absolutely stunned at the effect of the Gamma slider!!! I've been happy with the results that I've managed to get in the past on the terminator - but the body of the moon has always been really FLAT, the gamma seems to have the effect of making the craters appear 3D.

The trouble is, it also darkens the image. So when putting a mosaic together you have a nightmare trying to get each pane the same brightness.

In the image below is about 30 panes, the terminator went together great. All the other panes needed to be adjusted in photoshop at least once to get the brightness right - in fact there are still a few that need further adjustment. But TBH I'm getting fed up looking at the image.

I'll revisit it again next week and work on the frames that need help.

Seeing wasn't very good, so I used a 0.6 Focal reducer, giving a focal length of around 1.7 metres. Image resized to 50% and then the upload process reduced it further... So I suspect this is about 30% of the original.

DMK21AU and SKYMAX 180. Registax5, PSCS2 and Imerge.



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