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FS60Q and Tak 28mmm Erfle

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Observing weather has been atrocious for me over the last few months and so I have taken to just using my FS60CB/Q and running outside to get a few minutes here and there between the clouds!

I managed to grab 10 minutes on the moon the other night; I just took telescope as was and ran outside ... 'as was' happened to be in Q mode with a Tak 28mm Erfle in the diagonal.

I was absolutely astonished at the amount of contrast this combination gave me. So the magnification at x21 was much less than I would normally use on the moon but the image was so sharp and contrasty I just soaked up the view for 10 minutes until the clouds came in. I never even thought to go in and get a more powerful eyepiece.

I was so impressed and taken with this high contrast combination I simply had to share :) 



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The first time I looked through a Tak. at the moon and saw the contrast I actually laughed out loud. That was not the reaction I was expecting an ohhh or ahhh is what I had in mind.

Even with poor eyesight their not the sharpest but contrast is a different thing to sharpness. 

Now after owning one for five years its often an ohhh or ahhhh occasionally a wow. The moon never gets boring for me. 

Edited by StarryEyed
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Thanks for sharing your experience with your FS60Q and Tak Erfle Malcolm. It's always a pleasure to read enthusiastic reports about beautiful refractors. I haven't yet used a 28mm Tak Erfle, but I believe from reports I've read that it is a significantly better choice than the 30mm LE. 

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3 hours ago, MalcolmM said:

Observing weather has been atrocious for me over the last few months and so I have taken to just using my FS60CB/Q and running outside to get a few minutes here and there between the clouds!

I managed to grab 10 minutes on the moon the other night; I just took telescope as was and ran outside ... 'as was' happened to be in Q mode with a Tak 28mm Erfle in the diagonal.

I was absolutely astonished at the amount of contrast this combination gave me. So the magnification at x21 was much less than I would normally use on the moon but the image was so sharp and contrasty I just soaked up the view for 10 minutes until the clouds came in. I never even thought to go in and get a more powerful eyepiece.

I was so impressed and taken with this high contrast combination I simply had to share :) 



Sharpness and Contrast..

Probably the two most important "What Counts" factors as to why buyers would choose a high quality refractor over any other type of scope..IMHO only a very good Mak or Mak-Newt normally gets close.

The little Tak 60mm seems to have a lot of fans as a grab n go scope, and with recent sky conditions, the grab n go route might be the only way to see much of anything! I got my FS128 out last night (definitely NOT grab n go!😂), but managed one fleeting glimpse of Epsilon Lyrae (the double double) before the whole sky got covered in thick cloud🥴🤪!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Malcolm, your delight was plain for all to see!👍😊.


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I use my Tak FS-60C/Q for exactly same reasons as you @MalcolmM I was out briefly on Sunday evening looking at Venus, Jupiter & Saturn before the freezing cold got to me, but like you say it makes things so much easier when you can nip outside for a quick look when the weather is iffy. 

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My (new!) FS 60 was out last night, for an hour and half. I too was struck by how enjoyable lingering over low magnification views is, with a scope instead of binoculars as usual. I sold my WO ZS66 a long time back and had forgotten the pleasure of the big picture.

I used a TV 24mm Panoptic much of the time which gives the same field of view as the Tak 28 Erf.

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For the Moon in my FOA 60Q or FS 60Q I definitely prefer the Erfle 28 to the Pan 24. The latter makes it go a weird egg shape near the edge of field due to its well know RD. Tho for general viewing I think I prefer the Pan as I find the eye relief a little too great on the Er.

The Tak 30 LE does well in either scope. But if I prefer the views in LE 24, tho not quite as wide as the Pan 24.

Horses for courses…

Edited by JeremyS
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I also find my FS60CB an excellent quick look scope. So easy to have a telescope on mount which you can carry outside with one hand, though of course I actually carefully use two. I also have a 24mm Pan Where I discovered in white light the Sun going egg shaped like the moon towards the edge. Next I aim to try the two Morpheus in my Tak prism now that I’ve convinced my self they will not spin out due to their greater weight.

I have just been outside comparing the FS60 to a Celestron 76mm FirstScope which someone has kindly donated to our school using LE7.5mm and 24mm Pan in both.

Conclusion , the Tak is better.

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Thanks for all your comments. With the lack of decent skies, I can only get my astronomical satisfaction by gazing longingly at my scopes, hearing others talk about their enjoyment of Taks and enviously reading about bigger Taks like the FS128 @F15Rules :)





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1 minute ago, MalcolmM said:

Thanks for all your comments. With the lack of decent skies, I can only get my astronomical satisfaction by gazing longingly at my scopes, hearing others talk about their enjoyment of Taks and enviously reading about bigger Taks like the FS128 @F15Rules :)





The TSA 120 is nice to look at too


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There is an encouraging article in December Sky and Telescope on winter objects for smaller scopes, and wider fields.  Some will be too far South for me, or need darker skies. It might help new comers or inspire old hands to wind the magnification back 🙂

Something to read on cloudy nights @MalcolmM??

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