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MBM 163 - 165 and LBN 569 in Cepheus


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Clouds have moved in and settled, and the moon is getting back, but Friday night was clear. After some initial problems of getting PS2 to calibrate (the star did not move enought at 81° N so I had to move the scope to calibrate), I aimed my dual-RASA 8 rig at this area with numerous, but faint and rarely imaged Molecular Clouds / Integrated Flux Nebulosity and reflection nebulae in Cepheus, containing MBM 163 - 165 (Magnani, Blitz & Mundy) and LBN 569 (Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae). There is also a background of very faint Ha nebulosity, so a mix of everything possibly except galaxies (I did not spot any while processing).

Processed in PI and PS. After some initial stretches I made a starless image using the Star Xterminator filter before stars were brought back. This greatly helped to suppress the starfield that otherwise can easily overwhelm these quite faint nebulae.

Two RASA 8 with ASI2600MC (gain 100, offset 30, -10°C) on Mesu 200. 221 x 3 min, so 11 hours. No filter used.

Is it only me that see one or two chickens in there?

Cheers, Göran

EDIT: I said rarely imaged but I now found this thread on CN with an image of a similar FOV:
That image made me realize that I needed to flip my image as the one-mirror system of a RASA produces as mirror image, so the second image is the correct one, sorry...

20211111-12 LBN569 RASA PS27smallSign.jpg

20211111-12 LBN569 RASA PS28smallSign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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2 hours ago, simmo39 said:

Realy nice! I can see all sorts of animals in there!

Thanks a lot! Yes, our brains are obviously wired to see cretures in even the most chaotic structures.

CS, Göran

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4 hours ago, SkyJamie said:

I can't see any chickens Gorann but i can see a cracking image

There is a really 3D like quality to this, i'd be chuffed with this if i was you :)

Thanks a lot Jamie!  It is all in the mind of the beholder😉 


Edited by gorann
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Wow! To my eye it has a curious oil painting look about it. 

I continue to be impressed by not only your ability to find these faint and somewhat obscure targets, but also your ability to use your array of equipment to image them to excellent effect.👍

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33 minutes ago, tomato said:

Wow! To my eye it has a curious oil painting look about it. 

I continue to be impressed by not only your ability to find these faint and somewhat obscure targets, but also your ability to use your array of equipment to image them to excellent effect.👍

Thanks so much Steve! That oil painting feeling struck me to but it was not intended, it just came out that way.

CS & Cheers, Göran

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