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Boki Aristarh

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  • Location
    Kragujevac, Serbia

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  1. Outstanding image and framing. Love it...
  2. Here is our last work on Andromeda Galaxy, as a part of test for new equipment setup. Picture data: Captured: October 6. 2023. Location: Ratković, Kragujevac, Serbia Telescope: APO CFF140, f/6.5 Full Format Corrector: TSFLAT3 Koll Mount: SkyWatcher EQ8 Camera: CCD Moravian G4-9000 Frames: L 9 x 300″; Ha 6×300″; RGB 8×300″ each Exposure: 1.92 h Software: PixInsight, Photoshop For more of our astronomy society works, visit official website at: www.aristarh.rs
  3. Dear astronomy friends, here is our last photo work, made by members of "Aristarh" astronomical society. Picture taken 12.08.2023. at village Ratković, near Kragujevac city, Serbia. Telescope CFF APO 140/f6.5 with CCD camera QSI690. 19x300" through Ha and 10x300" trough OIII filters. First picture is original size, second one cropped version. For more our works and details please visit or society website: www.aristarh.rs Clear skies.
  4. Dear astro friends, A.S. "Aristarchus" picture, taken earlier, now reprocessed. Full resolution version on our society website www.aristarh.rs Picture data: Captured: August 26. 2017. old material reprocessed Location: Ratković, Kragujevac, Serbia. Objective: Canon 200 mm L @f/2.8 Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6 GT Camera: CCD Moravian G4-9000 Frames: 6 x 300″ Ha; 5 x 300″ OIII; 5 x 300″ SII Software: Nebulosity, PixInsight, Photoshop
  5. Dear Raglan, I had similar problem with TAL-150P reflector. It was problem with spider wines which was mounted 180 degrees contrary relative to secondary cage. Probably someone removed wanes and mounted again wrong (maybe even in factory). First off all try to retract 3 collimation screw maximum inside, and then move back central screw until you have contact between secondary and spider holder. After that check if secondary is enough "to the right side". Note that you have to look only at "silvered" part of mirror, not complete secondary mirror. If there is not enough space, than you can see if there any possibility to change focuser position left to right on telescope tube (some telescopes have this option). And on the end check if maybe spider wanes are mounted wrong (it would be useful to take pictures of wanes also). Some of those 3 reasons must be at the root of your problem. Anyway, be patient and you will solve this minor problem.
  6. Visual and astrophotography astronomy are two different hobbies... 😀 and I mean in practice and in money needed. I think you should go in DOB direction, and after that to consider photography. Old astro rule: "There is no substitute for aperture!" ENJOY!
  7. My first "serious" scope was Copitar small refractor 50/300 mm, made in Japan. It was so long ago, 25 years or so... Lot of nights with it, watching Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, brighter M, doubles.... In mean time telescope was lost, used as parts donator.... And as a strike of luck and fortune and find same one scope on some bargain sale, and of course I bought it... Now it is mine FOREVER!
  8. Rupert Astrograph is perfect! Maybe not important, but I like very much tube color and gray/black/orange combo...
  9. I have TAL-100R for visual work, but would be very nice to have one Starfield for photo use.... 😍
  10. I live in 200.000 people town so if I want to have some serious observing's I must go somewhere. For most of our observing and photographing activities our society made permanent observatory 20 miles from city. If we need some extreme deep sky observations there are few very good places in Serbia (advantage in living in country not so industry developed) 😃
  11. I don't know "whatsaurus" is that, but picture is impressive!
  12. Optical wonder make wonders... Just be sure there is no other sharp particles on surface, blow it from lens and make no sufficient pressure during cleaning.
  13. If somebody have one piece spare, it would be interesting to compare with our society Meade 178ED... 😊 😘
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