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huge prom, ar2866-2668 11-9-21


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Thanks for the alert, Charl! I'd forgotten to check Gong today, and rushed to Gong after seeing your heading, then nipped outside sharpish!

Mostly patchy cloud here, but Sarah and I each caught a view. Sarah struggled to see it and switched to her left eye, and suddenly she got it! She was then able to see it with her right eye. Maybe I should try this trick sometime!

To me it looked like a raging fire with a load of smoke blowing in the wind. It looked an absolute whopper to me, though faint to my eyes. The main active part on the disc that you've captured so beautifully was nice and clear at the eyepiece.

Nice to see the sun putting on some fireworks recently! If it clears here I might have to give the white light a spin. Hoping for clear for everyone.

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9 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

thanks Peter, same here mate i had to byed me time and ride the gain and got lucky. hope it improves with you. charl.

I finally had an opportunity around 17.50pm.  Rather pale overall but vey extensive and well worth the wait.  Reminded me of the Veil nebula.     🙂

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thanks guys, sorry im late in getting back i got all you great replys yesterday but had a house full so couldnt get a minute to reply back.

thanks Pete, Yes mate the weather not playing fair mate. hope it improves its 100% cloud here today.

thanks Luke, glad to here you got some views, that prom is the bigest ive seen for a longtime mate but not the best to catch with my setup and darn fluffy stuff getting in the way 😀. hope you have better skys today. charl.

Wow kitsunegari thats a cracking animation mate well done. charl.

thanks Peter, glad you got a look mate, he who dares wins eh. charl.

thanks Den, hope you got some views mate, it was hard here in south wales with the permacloud  😀. charl.




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