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Can you platesolve using a guide camera?


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Hi everyone I wasn't sure if I've posted this in the right section so apologies if I haven't, anyhow I use an old QHY8 OSC for imaging & as much as I'd like a shiny new camera my funds say otherwise, so I were wondering if it would be possible to use my guide camera in the guidescope to platesolve? I use either a finderguider or ST80  & an ASI120MM to guide with. I were hoping to use it with APT when set up to platesolve to help speed up getting imaging started but that's if it's not to much of a madcap idea of course.

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Can't you plate solve the QHY8 images? Maybe I've misunderstood the question... :)

If you plate solve with your imaging camera it confirms exactly what/where is in the imaging field of view. You could plate solve your guide cam frames but with different size field of view, different rotation angles and (maybe) not being exactly aligned with the OTA's axis all reduce the value of such plate solving. In APT for GoTo++ object locating you'd have to mess about a bit to use the guide cam (disconnect it from your guiding software and make it the active camera in APT, then switch back again)

If you accurately align the guide scope so that both camera's fields are co-centered then you can use that to get your subject in the imaging field of view and tweak from there.

Hmmm, I still think I've misunderstood your question...

I'm a big fan of APT. Install ASTAP too and point APT to the executable in the settings. Of course, ASTAP also needs a bunch of data files downloading to work, like any other solver but it's very fast and has other standalone image processing features.


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Unfortunately if APT or NINA don't have compatible drivers for the QHY8 & the ASCOM drivers do not work with each of the programs either which is a bit frustrating, I have to use Nebulosity 3 to capture anything with it & even then that can be a pain at times.
If it is possible to platesolve with the guide camera at least it should get me in the ball park providing they are lined up before using the imaging camera.
I know it's not ideal but I can't think of any other way of doing it apart from selling my soul for a new imaging camera 😧

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I just thought I'd update the post somehow I managed to get the qhy8 to connect to APT & with some head scratching got the platesolving to work, before when I've tried APT it would just simply refuse to connect or just sit & hang & do nothing. Now the problem started when I tried capturing with it as all I got was a thin line on top of the image & a few hot pixels so went back to using Neb3 & all is well so I'm currently shooting the North American nebula. I'm sure with a bit more figuring out I'll get it to work with APT but at least I can platesolve so it's a start.

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Another update somehow I've managed to get NINA to recognise the QHY8 camera on the mini pc & laptop whereas it would refuse to work with the ASCOM drivers it seems to work with the native drivers when you can get NINA to recognise them. I'm hoping now when I next get set up it should be easier & quicker to get imaging started so fingers crossed 🙂

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