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switching to eq mod and nina

Craig a

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1 hour ago, Craig a said:

Ok so after slewing RA to horizontal counterweight bar the DEC is slewed so the scope is 90 degrees to the mounts polar axis? Do I then plate solve that before I go to a target or just go straight to a target from there? 

Platesolve from there , sync coordinates, pick your target and slew .

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3 hours ago, Craig a said:

Ok so after slewing RA to horizontal counterweight bar the DEC is slewed so the scope is 90 degrees to the mounts polar axis? Do I then plate solve that before I go to a target or just go straight to a target from there? 

This is a completely unnecessary step that serves no purpose other than to waste your time. This manual movement is no different than the initial "guess" of your mount to take you to the target coordinates. The initial go-to accuracy is based on the accuracy of your polar alignment, the accuracy of your home position and the accuracy of your mount. None of these 3 points will be perfect, but the initial slew is still probably within a few degrees of the target, definitely closer than the manual slew to horizontal. After the first platesolving run you will be at exactly the same point as by just starting the sequence at home position.

You can start a sequence from home position and let NINA do the rest. As long as you have the options "slew to target" and "Center target" toggled on the platesolver will take you all the way there.

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Thanks everyone for your information, that’s good to know I can just unpark and slew to target and let Nina and platesolve do the rest, I was hoping to have a play today see if I can get everything talking to each other but the weather just won’t play ball, I have got Nina and stellarium talking, I managed that sat on the couch, I recently downloaded the latest nightly version that has 3 star polar align, that’s handy because my setup is permanently outside under a telegizmos 365 cover, once I’ve got my polar alignment bang on I shouldn’t need to do it again for a while, I don’t normally start imaging again till end of august so at the minute I’m getting everything setup ready for that first night hoping everything runs smoothly, the framing tab looks good also in the past it took me ages to get framed using the hand controller and lots of test shots it was tedious to say the least 

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Ok I had a play this afternoon and got eq mod working and moving the mount! 
also tried Nina controlling the scope and my asi 533 and it’s all working 😀 I’m very impressed goodbye hand controller!

one thing I found odd is the parked RA number in eqmod it was saying 17:58:00 but dec was 90:00:00 should the RA say that? It did park back to the home position just wondering why it would report this? Am I missing something setting it up? Does it even matter as Nina will platesolve to get on target? 

tried to get stellarium to work with my mount and just couldn’t get it working but I don’t actually need stellarium to move the mount I only need it to get co ordinates for Nina am I correct in saying that? 

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9 minutes ago, bottletopburly said:

no platesolving will tell Nina what the coordinates are , planaterium purely visual to show you where you are. 

I thought I could click on a object in stellarium then in the framing tab in Nina I can import the co ordinates from stellarium then slew which will get me near enough then plate solving will sort it from there for centering the object

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Excellent, Carnt wait to try it out for the first imaging session, still don’t understand why eq mod would say nearly 18:00:00 in RA while parked but when I did a test slew to the sun (scope had its caps on of course) it was pointing in the right direction 

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