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Apollo 11 Moon Landing - 40th Anniversary


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Hi everyone

Sorry to butt into your forum but thought you might be interested in this, and I'm always keen to here from anyone else who shares my distinction of being named after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

My name is Aldrin Armstrong Wilding-West (my wife happened to be a Wilding, and with a name pairing like that, you just have to hyphenate, don't you... :(

40 years ago this July 20th, am I really that old...omg...

So....where do you sit on this...?...I personally would hate to think I'm named after the biggest hoax of the last millennium........

This my article.....I'd appreciate your views...


If you want to get in touch, you can email me via my site at: http://www.triond.com/users/Aldrin+Wilding+West

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I think the general/ unanimous view on this forum is that they did-there's even a couple of threads debunking some of the hoax stuff (like whey the flag "fluttered" if there's no weather on the moon.

Search for "moon landing" I suggest or something like that to find the threads (don't just search for "moon" else you'll get 20,000 pics of the moon....)

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I was 9 years old at the time and can remember watching all the coverage and looking at the moon thinking - wow - there are men on there right now !.

I've no doubt whatsoever that it was all real.


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I was working in television repair at the time and I watched it every day. I saw all the Apollo stuff including all the landings and never thought it a hoax. Neither did anyone else around at the time including the Russians. How come it took nearly forty years for these conspiracy pratts to turn up?


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Well said Dennis. It's a sad indictment on society, and our inability to "think big" that we need to rubbish one of mankind's greatest achievements. Observatories all over the world - including those in hostile Soviet territory - tracked Apollo 11, for this to be a hoax would require an international conspiracy of unprecedented magnitude. I refuse to believe there wouldn't have been one whistle-blower by now. If the Soviets had any doubt whatsoever that the Americans had not been to the moon, they would have exposed it and basked in the propaganda victory.

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I was once told that having extreme views is very important for society as it keeps the average nicely balanced and encourages society to question itself. The worry is when society fails to recognize an extreme view and that ends up finding it's way into the mainstream. The scary thing is the amount of people who question the reality of the moon landings - normally it's through lack of knowledge of the space programme and astronomy in general. It is a also a product of a decline in ability for critical thinking.

Everything about the moon landings is amazing, from the technology to the people. It's an example of what people can do when they set their minds to it.


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Interesting. I was at Kennedy space centre during the summer and was blown away by the amazingness of the acheivement of putting someone on the moon. I just had a read at these sites and they were good and explaining some of the hoax "evidence".



Hope you find them interesting to.


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I have to admit that some of the conspiracy theorists "evidence" is quite persuasive, however I recently read a book called "moondust" by Andrew smith, and he tracks down and interviews the surviving Apollo Astronauts and some of them are doing the rounds of conventions and book signings to make ends meet, now surely if you had a story of the magnitude of " Moon landings were faked " , you wouldnt be turning up at these kind of "do's" to help pay the bills.

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I've been lucky enough to meet Buzz Aldrin,Alan Bean,Jim Lovell,Dave Scott(twice),Gene Cernan,and Charlie Duke and none of them have left me in any doubt they went.

As Charlie said to me if we was going to fake it we would have called it a day after Apollo 11 and we would'nt have bothered faking another five landings.

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  • 4 years later...

Can I suggest this is locked and left to drift off into oblivion?

To me it really does not deserve to have a listing here.

The posters name seems strange as surely if they were named after the Apollo Astronauts they would have been called Armstrong Aldrin?

As to a conspiracy, hell the US government is notoriously poor at keeping anything secret. The biggest conspiracy theory is that they could have in the first place.

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