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After 4 years i hope i have a solution


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Hello to all, 

         Long time no chat as they say, well, after very long ( 4 years ) deliberations with myself as to where i could get my scope placed for viewing, my final conclusions are that i can only utilise my old brick built garage, alas, it has much in their for gardening and as such, the roof will not be altered, neither  is their much room for making observatory type additions, so, here is the FINAL way this must play out or !!!!!!!!!.

        My intention is to make a tee type tri pod  wheeled  trolley arrangement, wheels to have brakes to hold fast the telescope in its placement and also   using the Amici Prism 90 Deg polar scope attachment so to stop the need to bend as my spine will not allow, and, reading up on said Amici Prism, it is the best way and no need for expensive cameras, which could fail, most electronic will do in the end, nature of the beast!!, i would like to get my fellow members to give suggestions  to the best way to build this all together for a successful outcome.

       One problem that cannot be sorted out is that alas my field of operations will be very limited as, we have many trees years old and many fruit types in the mix and am not in anyway proposed to chopping out as that is the mark of a philistine in our book, S. W. M. B. O. aka the wife, god bless her!!, BUT, it is South facing to South East so some cancelation there, one MUST work with that which they have and, this is my lot so that is that.

       I hope you lot out there can advise and help to make sure the construction/project ends up a usable and safe way to get going and start so looking forwards to your collective responses...


                                                                                Many grateful thanks and best regards to all,

                                                                                                                 McKinnell          aka  Tom....................





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Going A over T after tripping on the legs or loosing polar alignment if just knocked are two hazards that will present themselves. No chance you could set up a fixed pier in the garden?

I guess that the overall idea is that the wheeled tripod would have the mount and scope permanently attached so you did not have to carry them about? what scope and mount head are you thinking of using?

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Hi proto Star,

                    12 inch sky on NEQ6 mirror, and , no, alas t i can not have a pier or any form of observatory; the idea is to move in and out of the garage as and when i need to use, could put things more acrid as to my plight, but, do not want to be bared from the forum lol lol lol.

                    Many thanks and regards for response                         McKinnell.

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9 hours ago, mckinnell said:

Hello to all, 

         Long time no chat as they say, well, after very long ( 4 years ) deliberations with myself as to where i could get my scope placed for viewing, my final conclusions are that i can only utilise my old brick built garage, alas, it has much in their for gardening and as such, the roof will not be altered, neither  is their much room for making observatory type additions, so, here is the FINAL way this must play out or !!!!!!!!!.

        My intention is to make a tee type tri pod  wheeled  trolley arrangement, wheels to have brakes to hold fast the telescope in its placement and also   using the Amici Prism 90 Deg polar scope attachment so to stop the need to bend as my spine will not allow, and, reading up on said Amici Prism, it is the best way and no need for expensive cameras, which could fail, most electronic will do in the end, nature of the beast!!, i would like to get my fellow members to give suggestions  to the best way to build this all together for a successful outcome.

       One problem that cannot be sorted out is that alas my field of operations will be very limited as, we have many trees years old and many fruit types in the mix and am not in anyway proposed to chopping out as that is the mark of a philistine in our book, S. W. M. B. O. aka the wife, god bless her!!, BUT, it is South facing to South East so some cancelation there, one MUST work with that which they have and, this is my lot so that is that.

       I hope you lot out there can advise and help to make sure the construction/project ends up a usable and safe way to get going and start so looking forwards to your collective responses...


                                                                                Many grateful thanks and best regards to all,

                                                                                                                 McKinnell          aka  Tom....................





So maybe start with something like this?

See the source image

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I'm sure I've also seen piers with three feet that also have wheels.  Once in position, the wheels are raised to leave the pier on its feet, or the feet are lowered to lift it off the wheels.


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Thanks to all but, tri pod MUST!!!, have wheels, if i did use a pier out the front of our property i am wondering how long it would grow legs and walk off, as, from many passed experiences, i trust people as far as i could throw them, and it would not be far enough for me, personnel bad history, so, actually speaking, less the packaging the telescope and many other bits, power pack etc etc, it is showroom new and never been used, computer never fired up, it just lies their, very very very upsetting, and at my age and health, i can not afford to waste both time and monies, so, that`s the problem in a nut shell..........

                                                                                        Very best regards and thanks to all,   McKinnell . aka Tom...        

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Looking at your mount and OTA, in my mind equals quite heavy, so you will need something substantial. How about something like this trolley which I thought was superb and a great idea. The telescope was up for sale on here a few months ago but I cant find the post to point you in the direction of the OP to get some info on the trolley. 

Alternatively, if you are happy to work with metal, have a search for slotted unistrut channel. There are all sorts of brackets etc available to create some sort of trolley and then get some castors on M10 stud. 




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Hi M40,  

       The last time i did any thing related to metal work was at school and that was xxxxxx years ago lol lol, my problem is like countless many, age and health issues suddenly decide to take loggings at your address and life taps you on the shoulder and hands you the bill, but, having said all this, i am not yet ready to go and shake hands with Mr Sir P Moore, no, not for a long time, BUT, not with standing this all, i still have a very substantial set up which with my  credentials from  my College day and helping out teaching astronomy and telescope fundamentals, the type and size i went for was the lowest i would accept, smaller would of been , well, lets say i would of been embarrassed !!!; at school metal work i hated with a vengeance, now wood work THAT`S the thing, you can feel so much in a piece of wood my dear friend.

                                                                        Many grateful thanks and very best regards to you,






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If working with wood is more comfortable (experience and tool wise) I don't see why something could be designed and built to suit your needs.

A square box pier out of ply with a metal top adapter, and some gusseted legs on castors with corner screw jacks to level and stabilise seems to be a realistic project. I would make the pier about 180mm square.

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Proto Star

MMMmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!,  yes!.............

                                    Regards,     Tom.

PS   Any history to research in regards to this concept. hopefully !!??????............... 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi to all,

         Just a quick up date, to say that, i have 90% of my trolley mount completed and it so proves that, if like me you have a garage that you no longer use, you do not need to spend out on observatories and other costly projects, this project of mine has to date cost around £185 in materials, and what is more, the scope when mounted on said trolley, will be so stable and robust as to make me wonder why o why did i not think of this solution first off, and also, with said garage comes the security my insurance company needed to accept the scope on our policy so its a win win win all the way, will post some pictures after  completion, thanks.

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                     £10 on fixings for the 5" wheels so, this is the next part to get done, i am thinking of the shelf for power pack and other items that NEED!!, to be associated with the scope when out side, NOT the flask of tea and other items, no, these stay near to me in the said garage  ha ha ha; will have a very good friend who has been assisting me with said construction to help locate and final balance of scope and other fittings, all getting rather exciting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. O yes, and in August re my birthday for myself to same i will purchase from Rother Valley Optics  Omegon 90° Angled Polar Scope Eyepiece at £85 less loyalty points ooooooooo, very nice.


                                                                                               Best regards to all,                McKinnell.


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Seeing as the ritual for posting pictures here is far beyond me as i am unable to type after each picture to illustrate what is happening, it seems that i will not be able to post to show off where i am at regarding the build, as, i am now at a stage where i will be adding bracing parts for the tri pod ends and, a tray unit as said for power pack, so there you have it and many thanks to all.


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1 hour ago, mckinnell said:

Seeing as the ritual for posting pictures here is far beyond me as i am unable to type after each picture to illustrate what is happening,

When you add an image the cursor tends to go to the right centre of the image. If you hit Return then it jumps to the first line below the image. ;)

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                      Ok matey, i will try yet again and hope, thanks.

                                                                           Regards,          McKinnell.

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Hi all,

OK, here we go then, my attempt at uploading pictures as i said i would so here we go with the first one being the type of wheel i am using that being a 5" nylon type,


The next four shots are to show the overall construction and shape!!, of the dolly and as you will see, how the tri pod is going to be located on the dolly out riders,


This last picture is to show i hope, the sandwich like construction of 3/4" ply top and bottom of the pile so to say,



My last next pictures should show i hope the fittings to hold the tri pod leg ends in their place to secure the mount for the telescope, in my case a Sky Watcher 12" Newtonian type, so, this is it for now, it is quite weighty indeed and would as it is now take a storm to move or topple it so we shall let you know how we progress on the next instalment and many grateful thanks to all.

                                                                                                   Best regards McKinnell............

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Just a quickie, most will of noticed the extra wood material in the area, YES!, i over ordered on quantity, BUT, my wife S.W.M.B.O. asked if it would be possible to build some planters, NATURALY!!!, well, you have to keep in with the boss now don`t you ha ha ha, remember, a happy wife is a what???? lol.

                                                                                          Very best regards to all,   McKinnell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

    Quick up date, have completed the painting of the dolly mount, next, the fitting of the tri pod and neq6 pro mount, also, placement of the power pack and then it will be the cradle and then scope proper, will upload some pictures after i get to the mount stage, so, nearly there !!!!!!.


                                                                    My very best regards and respects to all,  McKinnell,        aka  Tom.

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Hi all,

       Hope every one is well and happy!!, OK, so, I connected the mount and cradle to the tri pod to get a feel of the dynamics involved for when I get to getting the scope set, O BOY, the weight is quite something as, it will most definitely be VERY sturdy indeed but, moving said  set up as is has made me wonder if I should try to see if i could not put some U shape gunnels for the wheels to be kept in alinement and give more accuracy etc etc, also help in making sure it stays on track so to speak when moving in/out on observing nights, so, some thing to ponder over, as, I am so very near to finals and with that i will bid all a vey good night as to the time i am typing this and say, stay safe and well.


                                                                  Very best regards to everyone,   McKinnell,     aka  Tom...


PS,  any one here doing No Mans Sky like myself ?????, if so, let me know, cheers all..................................Tom. 

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  • 2 years later...
On 21/06/2021 at 11:55, M40 said:

Looking at your mount and OTA, in my mind equals quite heavy, so you will need something substantial. How about something like this trolley which I thought was superb and a great idea. The telescope was up for sale on here a few months ago but I cant find the post to point you in the direction of the OP to get some info on the trolley. 

Alternatively, if you are happy to work with metal, have a search for slotted unistrut channel. There are all sorts of brackets etc available to create some sort of trolley and then get some castors on M10 stud. 




Hi there, would anyone know the type of jacks in use on this pic, please?


Many thanks !

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