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Buying a new CPC1100 HD Deluxe - only to find I've been sold a used one

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(I wasn’t sure which section to place this post in. It’s about buying a new telescope only to find that I have been sold a previously used one.)

I wanted to share my experience – nightmare – as a way of getting the shock off of my chest and also to see if what happened to me has happened to others, too.

I bought what was held out for sale as a brand new Celestron CPC1100 Deluxe HD. I thought it strange that this seller – a huge Photo & Video outlet in New York, USA – had this telescope in stock when all other sellers were out of stock. Plus, it was on ‘promotion’………

So, I bought the telescope and it arrived a few days later. Straight away I could see warning signs. The box itself looked very old and filthy. Half of the top was missing, and the inner carton had been opened with the official Celestron security tape having been cut open. I took photos and advised the seller straight away.

As I unpacked the telescope, it became very apparent to me very quickly that the contents had been unpacked before. The telescope accessories were either already opened or just not packed as they would have been from the factory (I’ve had several Celestron scope before.)

When I unpacked the OTA and mount, my suspicions were confirmed. The mirror clutches had all been left open, there was Velcro around the corrector plate cover to help keep it on, there were a couple of those little rubber bungs that are used to seal up electrical ports placed in the control panel ports – and, worst of all – a series of small but deep white scratches across the one side of the corrector plate.

I was / am both shocked and totally disappointed. I know this stuff happens and that this is how the world turns round, but still……. I’d waited months and months for this telescope and then receive a previously used, damaged one. I requested an RMA and am due to return the telescope to them next week for a refund.  

I have had a few items from this seller before that have shown clear signs of previous use. I took it up with them and they flatly deny ever selling returns or previously used goods as new goods. My experience shows otherwise.

So, has this ever happened to you? I suppose it would give me some comfort knowing I’m not the only to experience this! Thanks for reading.

PS I have since asked a trusted but much smaller seller to order me another telescope and they have kindly agreed to inspect the scope for me before shipping it on to me.  



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Sorry to hear of your problems. I purchased a CPC925 In January and was surprised that it was actually available. So I did email the supplier (FLO) who confirmed it was a new unused item, and yes it was when I got it.

i have suffered from items being listed as in stock when they are not ( not from FLO however)

scratches on the corrector plate must obviously mean it’s got to go back.

I hope you get a new one soon as it will surely be worth the wait, and be a glorious scope.

best of luck

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Wow, I'd not have anything to do with such a company ever again .

Everything new I've bought in the UK from specialist astro and photo retailers has been exactly as advertised, and even the second hand items I've had from members of this forum have all been in far better condition than your purchase was !

Good luck getting it sorted, and finding a suitable replacement .


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4 hours ago, Andy ES said:


Sorry to hear of your problems. I purchased a CPC925 In January and was surprised that it was actually available. So I did email the supplier (FLO) who confirmed it was a new unused item, and yes it was when I got it.

i have suffered from items being listed as in stock when they are not ( not from FLO however)

scratches on the corrector plate must obviously mean it’s got to go back.

I hope you get a new one soon as it will surely be worth the wait, and be a glorious scope.

best of luck

How are you liking your CPC 9.25? iI haven't tested one of those yet. Did you get the XLT or the HD Deluxe? Mine, Cubble, gives great views although is very ehavy. I have him set up on a Scope Buggy which means I can move him anywhere very easily and even have him semi permanently mounted. 

I used to live in Essex (near Chelmsford) when I lived in the UK but I wasn't observing back then. How do you find your local skies for observing? Do you get completely clear nights or do you have to cloud hop a little bit?

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20 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

Wow, I'd not have anything to do with such a company ever again .

Everything new I've bought in the UK from specialist astro and photo retailers has been exactly as advertised, and even the second hand items I've had from members of this forum have all been in far better condition than your purchase was !

Good luck getting it sorted, and finding a suitable replacement .


Thanks Heather, I will be shopping elsewhere now, that's for sure. A shame as their website is great and their customer service is really faultless. Just a shame they can't provide one with unused goods.........

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4 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

Not a good thing to hear but, why buy something of such high value from someone that you have lack of trust with from your previous purchases.. don't add up to me 


That is a fair question but it's also easy to be wise in hindsight. I probably also gave them too much benefit of the doubt regarding my previous purchases. 

I think the answer is because for all other items, such as eyepieces, batteries, etc their prices are usually the lowest, usually free shipping and their customer service service is actually really good.

Regarding telescopes, I think / feel when supply is plentiful they will ship new, unused items. But when supply is tight or non existent then they probably cobble together returns / repaires to make seemingly new items and then ship them out. I certainly won't be buying telescopes from them again, that's for sure.

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I have received a very expensive British-built Optimized Dall-Kirkham instrument here, on behalf of its owner, which was supposedly new but which both the owner and I considered to be a recycled return. It was in perfect functional condition but had cosmetic damage inconsistent with its being new.


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11 minutes ago, StarGazingSiouxsie said:


That is a fair question but it's also easy to be wise in hindsight. I probably also gave them too much benefit of the doubt regarding my previous purchases. 

I think the answer is because for all other items, such as eyepieces, batteries, etc their prices are usually the lowest, usually free shipping and their customer service service is actually really good.

Regarding telescopes, I think / feel when supply is plentiful they will ship new, unused items. But when supply is tight or non existent then they probably cobble together returns / repaires to make seemingly new items and then ship them out. I certainly won't be buying telescopes from them again, that's for sure.

Ok, I take it you're in the U.S. 

I'd suggest you buy from a dedicated astro shop, such as OPT.. as you can get all the information you need from a shop with plenty of experience.. when I bought my first proper scope I wanted to see it, so I could judge on its size.. the shop owners first question was what I wanted to do with it? I'm sure it was obvious that I really didn't have a clue but he guided me through and I still use the scope today, yes I've added some friends along the way...

There's a few astro outlets that i have complete faith in, and others that won't see a penny of my money..

So,  if you give OPT,  or someone like them a ring I'm sure they will help.. it's best to use a dedicated shop, rather than a huge retail outlet where all you are is an invoice number


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1 minute ago, newbie alert said:

Ok, I take it you're in the U.S. 

I'd suggest you buy from a dedicated astro shop, such as OPT.. as you can get all the information you need from a shop with plenty of experience.. when I bought my first proper scope I wanted to see it, so I could judge on its size.. the shop owners first question was what I wanted to do with it? I'm sure it was obvious that I really didn't have a clue but he guided me through and I still use the scope today, yes I've added some friends along the way...

There's a few astro outlets that i have complete faith in, and others that won't see a penny of my money..

So,  if you give OPT,  or someone like them a ring I'm sure they will help.. it's best to use a dedicated shop, rather than a huge retail outlet where all you are is an invoice number


Yes, thanks, that's what I'm doing. I do have a trusted source at a specialist astronomy outlet and they are going to source me a new CPC 1100 Edge and inspect it before shipping it on to me.  

And yes, in the USA. Like my avatar says, 38° North ;) 

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I too have bought from that NYC company and cannot recommend them highly enough. My first purchase was a "new" camera tripod which was obviously used but since I lived in NYC at the time I took it back via the subway and was immediately given a new item with much apology.

All my further purchases from them of astro equipment have been trouble free. Packaged well, very fast (sometimes next day!)  free delivery and the cherry on the cake is that I love their speedy, honest and informative website. They don't sell rubbish and prices are fair, even fairer than some dedicated astro retailers.

I was looking for a job at the time and they had a position on offer as a sales assistant in the store. I regret that I didn't get it....

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13 minutes ago, dobblob said:

They don't sell rubbish and prices are fair, even fairer than some dedicated astro retailers.


I agree their website is great, also purchases of smaller items has been very good. 

But when it comes to purchasing telescopes from them, I could not disagree agree with you more strongly about them not selling rubbish. My experience with them has been that they routinely sell customers damaged / used / repaired / returned telescopes held out 'as new' when they are obvioulsy not. Unless I am the only one this has ever happened to from them, of course - which I am clearly not as you yourself were sold used goods as new.  

 The time before last that this happened to me with them, I took my case up with a senior customer service manager who told me they never sell used goods as new -  that - which I know now to be blatantly untrue.

As they say - buyer beware.  

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Well yes they do sell used/returned/repaired equipment but you find those under the "used " dept. I had good experiences here too.

My one and only  new purchase, out of dozens, and not just "small" items, that turned out to be used, in no way persuades me they "routinely" sell damaged goods.

I have bought three major OTA'S and mounts from them plus many EP's filters etc. All perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes.

And as someone has noted, if enough of your early purchases were unsatisfactory why did you continue buying from them?

For me what is important is the response of the seller to complaints and returns and willingness to put things right.

I have lived on four different astro forums for several years now and when the questions come up of of "Which is the Best Retailer to Use"  this NYC company usually rates up there with the best.

This is the first complaint I recall having read about them. 

Hopefully there will be more (routinely) unsatisfied customers out there to shoot me down.....

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27 minutes ago, dobblob said:

Well yes they do sell used/returned/repaired equipment but you find those under the "used " dept. I had good experiences here too.

My one and only  new purchase, out of dozens, and not just "small" items, that turned out to be used, in no way persuades me they "routinely" sell damaged goods.

I have bought three major OTA'S and mounts from them plus many EP's filters etc. All perfectly fine. Everyone makes mistakes.

And as someone has noted, if enough of your early purchases were unsatisfactory why did you continue buying from them?

For me what is important is the response of the seller to complaints and returns and willingness to put things right.

I have lived on four different astro forums for several years now and when the questions come up of of "Which is the Best Retailer to Use"  this NYC company usually rates up there with the best.

This is the first complaint I recall having read about them. 

Hopefully there will be more (routinely) unsatisfied customers out there to shoot me down.....

Read up the thread and you'll see my response as to why I bought (foolishly) from them again

I'm not out to persuade you of anything, just drawing attention to a seller who sells used goods as new 

I posted about my experience on another very well known astronomy forum - and - guess what? It's happened to others, too, from the same company

I do agree with you that **** happens in life and it's more a case of how does somooen react when things go wrong? But that's not what we're talking about here, we're not talking about innocent mitsakes. 

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16 hours ago, StarGazingSiouxsie said:

How are you liking your CPC 9.25? iI haven't tested one of those yet. Did you get the XLT or the HD Deluxe? Mine, Cubble, gives great views although is very ehavy. I have him set up on a Scope Buggy which means I can move him anywhere very easily and even have him semi permanently mounted. 

I used to live in Essex (near Chelmsford) when I lived in the UK but I wasn't observing back then. How do you find your local skies for observing? Do you get completely clear nights or do you have to cloud hop a little bit?


Well thanks very much for asking. I’ve got the XLT version which I am very happy with. I’ve added a few extras which are detailed in a thread I started called:

Ready to go!  - Which is in the discussion scopes / whole set ups forum which I posted jan 14th

sorry I don’t know how to link to it, I think it’s searchable.

This has got a bit of info on how the scope performed from new. I have  been very impressed with the views. The list of kit I have amassed “so far”  to use with it is below in the signature.

I live near Wickford, which you will know, so not brilliant sky’s but there are some dark sites out on the Dengie peninsular and a bit north of Chelmsford.

I can report that the weather in Essex has been rubbish for the last few months and now started to continually rain 😬

Hope USA is better, best of luck with your shopping!

ps I got a £10 dolly from Aldi to wheel it around on, to get it through the house.




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