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2021-04-17 30% Waxing Mosaic, crops and single.


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Last night was good...  too short!...  but good.  :)    I did several mosiacs at F9.8 with my 140 hoping for a good one.   I did one with 685nm (oversampled)...  and result was not great.   The rest I did with 520nm (a little undersampled) and one was pretty good. :)    The single panel I shot at F7 prime required the very least sharpening I have ever applied to a stacked file.

All shot with APM 140 F7 (mosaic with S.O. modular barlow - 1.4X) and ZWO ASI183MM.

First up....  the single at F7.



Next, some crops from the mosaic






And finally, the full mosaic.  Sorry for the different orientation.... that is just how it worked out.



Should have another window tonight as my 5yo is off school tomorrow and I can let him stay up late enough for me to shoot first.  lol


Clear skies



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4 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Fantastic Mike! If I had to pick at something I'd say there is a bit of ringing in the crater shadows in the crops from the mosaic but I can't see them in the full size image. Really well done 👏

Thanks Craig!  Yeah...  I noted that about the slight ringing.    I will have another go at the data on some rainy day in the future.  lol

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Yes Mike totally stunning. Now where talking. Nearly fell of my chair when these started popping up. That new scope looks seriously good. Just totally awsome.

Detail and processing looks quite magical to my eye. Ringing can sometimes be difficult to get rid entirely.  Though Craig is correct there is some double ringing and is helping you out drawing attention to it. In the past sometimes i found it difficult to trace. Seeing can cause it. processing too. With this level of quality it really doesnt hinder the quality in the slightest in my estimation. Lovely work Mike. Man i need a 290. Your tickling my lunar senses here big time. way to go. Inspirational comes to mind. Your teaching me now i think

Edited by neil phillips
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On 20/04/2021 at 06:03, neil phillips said:

Ringing can sometimes be difficult to get rid entirely. 

Yeah the ringing is a real PITA, and in the past I've junked images altogether because I just couldn't control it. I'd love to see some kind of paper on what it is exactly and how it comes about. 8

Saying that though it really is barely there in Mike's images and only visible when pixel peeping... definitely doesn't take anything away from the overall images which are top notch. 

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2 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Yeah the ringing is a real PITA, and in the past I've junked images altogether because I just couldn't control it. I'd love to see some kind of paper on what it is exactly and how it comes about. 8

Saying that though it really is barely there in Mike's images and only visible when pixel peeping... definitely doesn't take anything away from the overall images which are top notch. 

100% agree with that. You have a good eye Craig i didnt notice it at first. Some show it more than others. But Mike should not get too drawn into it i dont think. Possibly try and trace it. But clearly that scope is Awsome the resolution and detail is astounding. Some of the best at this size i have ever seen. The processing also looks sublime. Inspirational infact.

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Thanks much guys for the wonderful comments and discussion!  I need to underline something....  I REALLY appreciate  comments AND critique.   It helps us all I think!  I am not too upset about the ringing in this image....  its only mildly annoying to me.  hehe.   I am hoping it was a factor I did not mention that made it present itself this time a little worse than usual.   Namely...  I pulled a complete noob move and setup partly on the asphalt drive next to my house rather than in front, on my white concrete driveway.   It was the only way I could get the setting moon direction - rarely have to do that, and it has not been an issue in the colder days of the past when I did.  But this day was sunny all day, and cooled off quite a bit in the evening.  I was setup on a big heat radiator.  NOT the smartest move.  I had focus shimmering in and out.....  was not sure what it was until I was chatting with a friend and the subject of asphalt came up.  Yep.  That was the shimmering most likely .  Maybe the ringing too.  LOL...  but, given all that, I am very happy with the result.  

Working on two more nights of data that may be interesting.  Seeing pretty good.  If not shooting from my driveway, likely close to 5/5.  But...  still a 4/5 for me I think.  Now its just finding the time to process.  LOL


Very best regards



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