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Baader Q Turret


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I just obtained one of these second hand. I’ll put my thoughts here as I try it out.

 It is nice and light but I have my doubts about its overall strength. Backfocus can be an issue - I can't reach infinity focus with my ST80 and mirror diagonal. The action of the turret is nice and smooth and precise. When viewing the other eyepieces do not get in the way (assuming you stick to eyepieces of similar length). Overall I think I am going to like this device.



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I just got one too! feels very plasticky but that’s not necessarily an issue and i don’t like the metal ep damaging screws- they should be and will be replaced with nylon ones. Thought i’d use it with the telementor as a cheap alternative to the very collectible turret they sometimes came with, but haven’t had a chance yet.

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  • Ags changed the title to Baader Q Turret

Let me know the size of nylon screws to get if you find out... Would prefer plastic screwing into plastic from a longevity point of view.

Q Turrets are really easy to pick up second hand - there's a lot of people what don't like them! I am actually thinking of getting a second one for my side-by-side scope setup, but need to expand my EP collection first 🤣 At the moment this is for my spring grab and go setup - light tripod and AZ head, Mak 102 and the turret.

I hate eyepiece swapping so hoping this works out. Down the line I might upgrade to the similar looking metal Geoptik unit.

Current plan is for four SLVs - any four from 25, 12, 9,  6 , 4  and 2.5mm depending on conditions and targets and scope. (not the 4 or 2.5 with the little Mak I think... 🤣 )

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Probably an M3, possibly an M4, screw.  Take one down to your local big box home improvement store and screw it into their thread sizer mounted on a column in the fasteners aisle to find out for sure.


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I had a chance to try out the turret tonight. It was a short session between clouds taking in a few doubles.

1. I must remember to turn the turret clockwise - turn it the other way and my cheap diagonal starts to disassemble!

2. Eyepieces on turrets fog. Make sure the turret is twisted as far away from the face as possible. 

3. I really like not changing eyepieces!

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The screws are M4 10mm metric, according to this post from Cloudy Nights:

"These screws imaged below are the ones you want for the Baader Q-Turret and Baader Q-Barlow. The M4x10mm Metric thumbscrews ordered off eBay. They fit absolutely perfect in lieu of the metal thumbscrews. They tighten really nice with nice flex to stay tight, unlike the stock metal thumbscrews without any flex, that can loosen and mar barrels even if only snug. I have no idea why Baader Planetarium don’t sell these on their Q-Turret as stock thumbscrews. Oh well...at least my barrels are completely safe."



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18 hours ago, Ags said:

I had a chance to try out the turret tonight. It was a short session between clouds taking in a few doubles.

1. I must remember to turn the turret clockwise - turn it the other way and my cheap diagonal starts to disassemble!

2. Eyepieces on turrets fog. Make sure the turret is twisted as far away from the face as possible. 

3. I really like not changing eyepieces!

If you use eyepieces in a turret, but do not observe in a dry desert environment, it is customary to keep the eyepieces not in use capped to prevent fogging.

It's even easier if all the eyepieces use the same caps--then you can simply move one cap each time you change eyepieces.

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Just picked up a Vixen NPL 20mm as it is parfocal with the SLVs. Still waiting for the NPL 30mm to arrive.

The NPL sits well with the SLV 6mm on the turret, and looks and feels very good in the hand. I fell instantly in love, but that feeling has been tempered by two things. Firstly, NPL has very strong pincushion distortion, more than any other eyepiece I have owned. Not a problem at night, but not good for daytime use. Secondly the click up eye shield is useless as you can’t see more than 30 degrees of FOV when it is clicked up, and it can only be fully up or down. I think I will simply glue it halfway up. The view is nice and sharp and bright, so looking forward to trying it at night.

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Had a chance to try the NPL 20 under the stars. Very comfortable despite the useless eye shield. And very sharp compared to my Super 25 - no surprise there! Not as sharp as my ES 24/68°, but I find that eyepiece just too heavy. Lots of faint background stars popped out with the NPL and the view of a few bright simple doubles (Polaris, Mizar, Cor Caroli) was very satisfying. Based on this I am hopeful I really can get rid of my hulking ES 24/68° when the NPL 30 arrives. My turret is really coming together!

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10 hours ago, Ags said:

Firstly, NPL has very strong pincushion distortion, more than any other eyepiece I have owned.

If that level of pincushion distortion bothers you, stay away from the 27mm Panoptic and 28mm RKE as they have even stronger pincushion than Plossls (like the NPL).  Notice the bowing of the ruler/yardstick in the last four eyepiece AFOV images below:


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On 15/04/2021 at 12:36, Ags said:

Secondly the click up eye shield is useless as you can’t see more than 30 degrees of FOV when it is clicked up, and it can only be fully up or down. I think I will simply glue it halfway up.

I love my 25 and 30mm NPLs for solar work with my Quark.  In fact I prefer them to the Televue equivalents.

I find the eyecups very comfortable and like the adjustment.  Rather than gluing them I simply use a doubled over hairgrip (a suitable elastic band should do nicely too).  This holds intermediate positions nicely, and allows easy adjustments.

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On 10/04/2021 at 16:08, Ags said:

Q Turrets are really easy to pick up second hand - there's a lot of people what don't like them! I am actually thinking of getting a second one for my side-by-side scope setup, but need to expand my EP collection first 🤣 

I'm afraid I'm one of those that didn't get on with the Q Turret.

The example I used had a very indistinct click between the eyepiece settings and I because of that I found it difficult to know that the eyepiece was located correctly without pulling away and checking carefully.

Probably just s poor example do I'll be interested to hear his you find it in use.


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@Second Time Around The rubber band hack has been applied and tested successfully tonight. Works perfectly!

@AdeKing The click on mine is quite distinct, although tonight was the first time I missed a click stop. But I was trying standing observing for a change, so was probably just finding my star legs. I have been observing sitting for a few years... My experience of the turret is it is an excellent device for my short grab and go sessions. I now carry out telescope and eyepieces in one hand. Setup involves waiting for cool-down, and then taking off the lens cap. I no longer have a lengthy ceremony every time I want to change magnification, locking the mount before removing an eyepiece,  fighting to get the EP out (it always sticks!), getting the next eyepiece without getting my thumb on the eye lens...

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I took delivery of a turret this week and got to try it out last night. The clicks are very distinct and firm but seem to rely on 2 very small bumps/ notches in the plastic that would only need to be slightly "off" size at manufactur to affect the click action 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The turret has been like the butterfly that starts a hurricane. It started with a 25 euro second hand turret, which led to purchasing a couple of plossls, then a 50mm finder. Now I need a couple more SLV eyepieces,  a new eyepiece for the finder, an AZ5...

Here is the latest iteration of my stellarizer:


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