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Lockdown reduced light pollution...(?)


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I've noticed neighbours have had more time to put up more security lights, more garden landscape lighting and in one case some cute but annoying path lights that shine on and off in ever changing colours and are right in my line of sight!

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On 12/04/2021 at 09:45, Paz said:

I've noticed neighbours have had more time to put up more security lights, more garden landscape lighting and in one case some cute but annoying path lights that shine on and off in ever changing colours and are right in my line of sight!

Bad. 🙄...

All my efforts may be in vain. After replacing the rear western fence with a higher one to hide from a street LED, I then had to make a tarp light shield to block a newly fitted domestic blazing LED over the northern fence.  Finally last week, the council shielded the western LED above. Rejoice! ( I thought...)

The city light pollution is still pants but countering the local sources has really helped and I do believe the air quality is better than before, even if temporarily. Even during the spring dark, the zenith view last night was as clear as I'll experience here. During several clear nights this last few days I've had some great sessions. Last night through the 4" using a 16mm 82° ep I could even easily tell m81 is oval and m82 pin shaped! 

Now today the rejoicing is over. Efforts have been trumped by neighbours removing their huge fur tree to my south, thus revealing an urban dual carriageway LED! 


*Massive sad face*


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It could be my eyes are not as good as they used to be, but our skies don't look as dark here as they used to. We are in a small village but there's been lots of houses going up in several places around us, some in our village and a good few in the next one, which I think might be affecting things. And there are plans to build many more. On the plus, I like lunar and solar!

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