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capture or processing problem

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Hi guys 

spent some time last night on m81

I posted up a few weeks back with strange colour rings and noise on a different image which got a good bit of feedback .

so last night i took 120 40 second subs of M 81 and moved the mount  every 10 shots to dither it 

today spent some time processing them through  dss  and pixinsight but it seems poor to me with a lot of colour noise

I can post up a link of the original file as it came out of DSS if anyone wants ago at it

All comments and recommendations welcomed

Regards Baz


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Did you retry marks ring fix for nikons ? i use a d5300, here's whats seems to work for me after experimenting i use Astap to stack  ,load bias frames and analyse,load flats and analyse then press replace checked marked  by master flat  that will intergrate flat frame using bias , now load bias into darks tab and analyse once done again press   replace with checked marked by one or more master dark , now load lights into lights tab and analyse once done hit stack  ,when finished you will have a stacked fit file .you can try the same in dss to see if it works just load bias twice as your dithering ,once in bias once in darks ,i use these settings in Astap https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials/starting-with-a-good-dataset/recommended-astap-settings and have found it far simpler to use than DSS .

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