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Mac program to control SynScan?

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[I posted this in mounts but maybe it is better here in software]

I have the Lynx Astro cable which I plan to use to connect my RPi to my Skywatcher AZ-Eq6 mount and control it from Linux -- for which I am assume there will be no problems. 

Meanwhile, as another option, I'm wondering if it is possible to control the mount directly via Stellarium running on the Mac. I have it all configured (I think) on the Stellarium side, but the command to slew doesn't do anything as yet, presumably because the mount is not in an aligned state?  

Since the physical hand controller is unplugged to make way for the Lynx cable, I'm going to need a software controller to carry out the alignment (unless I'm missing something -- entirely possible!).

So to my question: what is suitable program to control the SynScan mount from a Mac such that I can align it (and then later, I hope, use Stellarium to slew)?

Thanks in advance


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Hi, this is interesting - I was wondering the same so as to be able to control a Skywatcher GTi mount- I assume this mount can be controlled vis Stellarium on Windows? I have some Astro software running in Parallels on Mac (such as Registax) and would like to test more options when the mount arrives. Using Virtual Box as a free alternative might be a way of using the Mac to control the mount via Linux also? BBC Sky at night magazine features the deep sky tour using the EQTOUR app - maybe a separate thread and should check, but is this Windows only due to ASCOM ? 


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Most things seem to be controllable via Windows but my interest was seeing what was available to run directly from my MacBook without parallels etc. I couldn't connect to the mount via Stellarium nor could I see any kind of hand controller panel, but the direct Mac->mount (AzEQ6 in my case) connectionworked more or less out of the box with Ekos. 

That is handy for me as I'll be using Ekos on the RPi too, at least to start with. That's not to say its an easy program to use -- I have the feeling it tries to cater for every possible option and in doing so makes it hard to find the simple stuff, at least at first -- but hats off to the developers, it does at least work for us Mac users!



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So it seems Just like with astrophotography the Mac options are there but generally a little more complex...  thanks for the comments, I’ll give Ekos and Cloudmakers a go with my AZ GTi when it arrives. Coincidentally I’ve just bought a new RPi - you’ve given me an idea for a project there Martin!


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13 hours ago, James said:

CloudMakers ( https://www.cloudmakers.eu ) do a nice set of apps for Mac control of mounts and other kit :)  Slightly more straightforward than the very comprehensive Ekos..

I use Cloudmakers too - AstroTelescope, AstroImager and Astrometry. Connect wirelessly to an RPi on the telescope running IndigoSky. All work well for me.


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