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Waterproof power

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Hi Folks, 

Quick question. I have one of these power supplies and want to be able to leave it outside whilst the camera goes through the imaging run. 

I'm worried about moisture and was wondering if I could place the unit in a waterproof box. My concern is that it may overheat? I had thought about fitting a fan but wouldn't that spoil the integrity of the box? 

Your suggestions are much appreciated. 

Thanks in advance 





Edited by Simon Dunsmore
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I've got one and that works fine. I use an 18m mains extension reel with an RCD on the mains plug itself. There's only a tiny bit of reel left when unwound. AFAIK because we live in the UK, I doubt it'll ever overheat, I had that worry but I found even when it was inside and I was taking dark frames for hours in a room that was about 15 degrees, it never got that warm at all, although saying that, not everything was running, just camera and RPi. I guess it depends a lot on how much power you pull

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17 minutes ago, matt_baker said:

I've got one and that works fine. I use an 18m mains extension reel with an RCD on the mains plug itself. There's only a tiny bit of reel left when unwound. AFAIK because we live in the UK, I doubt it'll ever overheat, I had that worry but I found even when it was inside and I was taking dark frames for hours in a room that was about 15 degrees, it never got that warm at all, although saying that, not everything was running, just camera and RPi. I guess it depends a lot on how much power you pull

Hi Matt, Thanks for your reply. So do you use this in a weatherproof box!? 

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It will totally depend on how much current you are drawing.
It looks like the outer casing of that PS is the heatsink so needs some air around it to cool it. But how much will depend on the current.
Its a 25A supply and HEQ5, ASI1600, and dew band say will draw an average of no more than 3 to 4A so probably will not get too hot. Just make sure there is some air around it, i.e. make sure the box is an inch or two bigger than the supply.

Certainly no use adding a fan that totally makes the box a waste of time.

What may worry me more  is that it is just a little potentiometer that can move and the output will be 15V which may be too much for the mount and camera. 


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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This power supply if i am correct has a fan in it from my (HF Ham days) so maybe make an exhaust vent in the box to expel excess heat otherwise the PSU may well trip in a sealed box  

Edited by fozzybear
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I've been running the smaller version (which is a linear PSU rather than switched-mode - linear wastes a lot more heat) for a while now in a similar Dribox.

I prop one end open (so it's got rain cover should the worst happen, but can "breathe") while using it, with the other end clamped down. It gets really quite hot during operation in a near-sealed box, so caution is advisable. You'll probably be fine with the SMPS version you've listed above as it'll dump a lot less waste heat.

Edit: Since I have it, here's a "photo" of my power supply box about 10 minutes after putting my telescope to bed for the evening taken with a thermal imaging camera - you can see it gets a little warmer than ambient!


Edited by discardedastro
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Hi All, 

Thanks for your help and suggestions. In the end I made this, large plastic container with good seal on the lid. I purchased a pack of rubber grommets to seal around the wires and have an RCD on order. Lots of space, so heat should not be an issue. Thanks again! 




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