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old lens orion m42


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Hi everyone

Found another half decent lens. This time a €60 Takumar 200mm. 1970s I think. A few irregularities but I'm almost certain they're due to the filter.

I'm thinking of a AP with old lenses sort of thread. I think it's a good way to start in AP. If there's enough interest, we could compile evidence as to their usefulness etc.

LMK what you think about the old lens thread and thanks for looking. Do post yours too.

Takumar 200mm on eos700d @  ISO800. 3 hours. UHC


Edited by alacant
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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought a couple of Vintage lenses, a 200mm Panagor f3.5, whilst it was listed as an M42 fit it turned out to be an old canon Bayonet which i had to buy a correcting adapter to include focus to infinity, I've only tried it in daytime and there is noticeable vignetting on all shots which is a bit off putting, not sure if its the infinity adapter or the lens itself ?

The other I bought was a Takuma 135mm f3.5, this time with correctly advertised fitment and again only use during the daytime, and i have to say i love it, its so smooth, nice weight, great portrait taking and good landscapes.

I'm currently on the look out for a fast 135 or 200 with a wider aperture, the Takumar is tiny diameter and as i say the Panagor im not convinced about.... Any suggestions ?

Andy H

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59 minutes ago, Newforestgimp said:

the infinity adapter


Yeah, unfortunately the FD to EF adapters need an -usually poor quality- optical element to reach infinity, thus no good for AP.

Your Takumar 135 will provide corner to corner stars over APS-c at f5.6 but with only 24mm aperture at that setting, is going to be painfully slow, as I'm sure you've already discovered.

Faster than f4 at 200mm is gonna cost €silly but if you want to take a risk, there's a Zeiss 200/2.8  beast lens on e-bay ATM. Aperture 71mm although I think it's going to have to be stopped to tame stars, the advantage being that it was designed for flat fields over full frame. The central APS-c bit should fare well.

Cheers and HTH.

**What do you think about the idea of a section for old lenses for AP?


Edited by alacant
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1 hour ago, Newforestgimp said:

I'm currently on the look out for a fast 135 or 200 with a wider aperture

At 135mm you should find f/2.5 at more or less moderate prices, depending on the brand, such as :

but they probably need to be closed at f/4 or f/3.5 ;

At 200mm apart from the infamous Makinon at f/3.3, you can most easily find f/3.5 glass. I own the Vivitar by Komine one (28xx serial) and it's pretty good -- for an old lens -- but still testing it at various apertures between 3.5 and 5.6 when weather permits.

If relative aperture or optical quality of old lenses don't satisfy you (I must admit with experience that few are good enough for astro work), good modern lenses are often much better, although pricier too.

Edited by rotatux
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I've been offered a 200mm Chinon 62dia f3.5, £60, not sure whether to go for it or not ?

Also looking for something like a 24mm f1.8 for super widefield.

I think its worth a try on the images with vintage lenses thread, everyone loves a bargain.

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1 hour ago, alacant said:

**What do you think about the idea of a section for old lenses for AP?

Seems like a good Idea,  I can't see there being any issues with ' Old lens user's' sharing there knowledge and experiences with these lens's. After all sharing and helping where possible is a fundamental part of SGL. 

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On 12/03/2021 at 14:07, Newforestgimp said:

200mm Chinon 62dia f3.5, £60, not sure whether to go for it or not ?

You've got it, so try it :)

I have one too, first shots at f/3.5 were encouraging though I was starting my astrophoto at the time, but the diaphragm broke before I could test it further.

On 12/03/2021 at 14:07, Newforestgimp said:

looking for something like a 24mm f1.8 for super widefield.

In vintage lenses 24/2.8 can be found, 24/2 exists but would be quite rare (saw only two on the french market in 7-8 years -- at decent prices) ; I can't remember any vintage 24/1.8 so for this you have to go modern lenses IMO.

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My helios 135mm f2.8 has very strong CA and as I don't use an EQ mount can't really comment on corner star quality but I usually stop it quite heavily. M42 mount

The takumar coated 55mm f2 I like but again can't comment on corner stars as don't use an EQ mount. I stop this down to f2.8. M42 mount

I've also have a chinion 28mm f2.8 but I'm not keen on it from memory of when used it. K mount

2??mm with adaptal II mount only I can't reach infinity (I should be able to but it's a smidge off). (Removed the FD and used an EF fit)

Vintage cannon FD mount

Lovely 75-210 lens, super colours

50mm f1.8

I can't double check figures as the lenses are in the garage I think.

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