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struggling with Rosette


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Hello all!

I just start astrophotography, and I'm really struggling to get better result with Rosette. Here is the picture which is stacked in DSS, and it is slightly processed in PS to adjust the background color, and reducing the star size.

  1. I am wondering why my image looks so soft, will that be a focus issue? I am using a bahtinov mask to focus already. The picture in the following link looks much solid/sharper than mine, is it sth that I have to work on in post processing? https://www.astrobin.com/n5b4b0/?nc=user
  2. The structure of rosette is barely visible, is this something that I should work on in post processing as well?
  3. obviously there are a lot issues, but the above are currently what frustrated me, but really any comments and recommendations are welcomed.

Thank you so much!


Fuji X-T10

WO Z61 with 0.8x reducer flattener

Guided with PHD2 (zwo mini guidescope 120mm with ASI120mm guide cam)

ISO 1600

5mins * 30 (2.5 hours)

Calibrated with Dark and Bias





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Focus looks bang on to me... the image that you linked to looks overprocessed and quite harsh with clipped blacks, and I prefer yours. Nebula aren't solid and sharp, they're clouds of gas and dust, so shouldn't look solid and sharp (in my opinion that is). You've got a decent amount of data... Have you stretched your image much? 

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Here's the result from a quick run-through with StarTools (I binned it by 50% to speed up processing a bit). I'm sure this could be improved upon too. Main thing is, yes, there's more information there. 

Try downloading StarTools and playing around with it. The demo is fully functional except for saving images, which you can work around by taking screenshots.

rosette stacked2.tif

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I've had a quick go stretching with levels and curves in gimp and cropped, didn't touch the stars or colour. Blacks might be a little to close to clipping... hard to tell on my laptop screen. it's very nice data I'd be pleased as punch if I collected that! Thanks for sharing it 😀

Edit: just had a look at this image on my monitor and I've overcooked it and clipped the blacks,  but gives you an idea of how much is there hiding in your stack. 

rosette stacked.jpg

Edited by CraigT82
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